Help with a birth record and unexpected relationship
This is Maren Nielsdatter LZW3-ZT5.
So far, the only source for her father comes from her child's birth record. Her first child, Rasmus has the surname Jespersen in his birth record. Other records of his have the surname Rasmussen. It seems like he may have been born before she was married, but the attachments on Family Search want me to add Niels Jespersen as the boy's father. I hope I'm making sense! I wonder if someone could translate this for me and make sure I have relationships right. Thank you!
I can't see which parish it is in.......
"Moderen Maren Nielsdatter i Karup. Udlagt til Barnefader: Ungkarl Rasmus Rasmussen, tjener i Aarhus, Aarslev Præstegaard ved Aarhus.
Udlagt af Barne...? ere fader Niels Jespersen i Horup og Giordemoder [modern spelling "Jordemoder" = midwife] Svend Andersens hustru Karen Jensdatter ved Horup."
The mother Maren Nielsdatter in Karup. She has named as the father of the child: Rasmus Rasmussen who serves in Aarslev Præstegaard (the priests farm) at Aarhus.
Then I'm uncertain what is meant by "udlagt af barne...? ere father Niels Jespersen in Horup and midwife Karen Jensdatter, wife of Svend Andersen at Horup". Whether these support (or not) who was named as the child's father?!
NB: The named father is Rasmus Rasmussen, so the child's name is a bit more tricky.
We are before the name-law of 1828, so he will have a patronymic last name.
If the father accepts the use of his name the child will be Rasmus Rasmussen; if not then he will take from the mother: Rasmus Nielsen (as the mother is a Nielsdatter); if he is later adopted he can take the name from his adopted father.
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Thank you so much @Niels Just Rasmussen! This definitely gives me more to work with. Can I ask you another question? Here is a 1834 census. Rasmus Rasmussen and Maren Nielsdatter married after that first child was born, and like you said, I think he then took his father's name. I am trying, still to figure out the relationship of Niels Jespersen to Maren. He is found in their household in the census along with an Ane Sorensdatter. I cannot read their relationships, though. Can you help me? Thank you, thank you!
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Hi Anne.
Census 1834: Skanderborg, Gjern, Linaa Sogn, Haarup, et Huus, 114, FT-1834, B6191
Rasmus Rasmusen 40 Gift Træeskoemand
Maren Nielsdatter 38 Gift hans Kone
Rasmus Rasmusen 15 Ugift deres Børn [Rasmus born in 1820]
Niels Rasmusen 12 Ugift deres Børn
Ane Rasmusdatter 11 Ugift deres Børn
Ane Kirstine Rasmusdatter 9 Ugift deres Børn
Ane Johanne Rasmusdatter 7 Ugift deres Børn
Mette Rasmusdatter 5 Ugift deres Børn
Jens Rasmusen 1 Ugift deres Børn
Niels Jespersen 66 Gift Inderste, Aftægtsmand
Ane Sørensdatter 80 Gift hans Kone
Kilde: Dansk Demografisk Database.
So it is likely that Niels Jespersen is the father of Maren Nielsdatter and Ane Sørensdatter the mother.
Census 1850: Skanderborg, Gjern, Linaa Sogn, Haarup Bye, 94, et Huus, 229-F1, FT-1850, B6176
Rasmus Rasmusen 58 Gift Huusmand og Træskohaandværk Alling Sogn Skanderborg Amt
Maren Nielsdatter 51 Gift Hans Kone Linaa Sogn, Skanderborg Amt
Søren Rasmusen 14 Ugift Deres Søn Linaa Sogn, Skanderborg Amt
Kilde: Dansk Demografisk Database.
NB: So Maren is born in Linaa parish.
Census 1801: Skanderborg, Gjern, Linaa Sogn, Horup Bye, , 2, FT-1801, B4109
Niels Jespersen 32 Gift Mand Indsidder og Træskoemand samt National Soldat
Ane Sørrensdatter 42 Gift Koene
Maren Nielsdatter 5 Ugift deres Barn
Kilde: Dansk Demografisk Database.
Linå Sogns kirkebog:
Haarup: Niels Jespersen og Ane Sørensdatters barn: Maren [Nielsdatter].
Fød d. 26. Februar [1796] og døbt d. 28. Marts.
Faddere [witnesses]: Niels Lauridsen, Peder Hansen, Jens Pedersen, alle af Haarup. Kiersten Jensdatter af Voel og Ole Hansens enke af Haarup.
Source (page 37, 2nd right):,27921961
Linå Sogn kirkebog:
Trolovet: 18. November 1820.
Vielsesdagen: 16. December 1820.
Ungkarl Rasmus Rasmussen , 25 Aar af Haarup.
Pige Maren Nielsdatter, 25 Aar af Haarup.
Witnesses: Jens Jensen og Anders Sørensen, begge af Horup.
Source (page 8, nr 7):,74361254
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Census 1787: Skanderborg, Gjern, Linaa Sogn, Haarup Bye, , 7, FT-1787, B4098
Søren Thomasen 55 Gift Hosbonde Bonde og Gaard Beboer
Maren Nielsdatter 60 Gift Madmoder
Anders Sørensen 18 Ugift 1 S af 2 ægteskab
Maren Sørensdatter 21 Ugift 1 D af 2 ægteskab
Niels Jespersen 14 - Tieneste Dreng [he doesn't seem to have been born in Linå]
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
Linå Sogns kirkebog.
Marriage: Haarup. Ungkarl Niels Jespersen og pige Ane Sørensdatter d. 4. December [1795].
Source (page 113, left):,27922037
Død: 4. Februar 1837 i Linå Sogn.
Begravet: 10. Februar 1837 i Linå Sogn.
Navn: Ane Sørensdatter.
fattiglem, husmand Niels Jespersens hustru i Haarup. [so he should still be alive at this date]
Alder: 82 Aar.
Skifte attest i Skanderborg, 5. Februar 1837. [No probate seems to exist, though]
Source (page 4):,74361654
I can't find Niels Jespersen's death in Linå [the census of 1834 is the last time he appears].
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@Niels Just Rasmussen Oh! I can't thank you enough! I hadn't found those other censuses yet and the date of her birth helped me connect this family and sort out another Maren Nielsdatter that I thought might be her. Thank you so much for your help with those relationships!