Translation of records
Hello everyone. I've made some new discoveries (surprisingly) on my mom's side of my tree. I would like to ask for help, especially with translation. Mostly Hungarian and Latin.
Here is the baptism record of my 2nd GG father Koloman Kišš (4th record from the bottom). I think I can read mostly everything important, I was just wondering about the word following his father's name.
Marriage record for his parents - Jozef Kišš & Juliana Bélik. Again, wondering what is happening after Jozef's name and also where is his wife Juliana from. I read it as Zsehr. - Nagysáró? Can't figure out the "Zsehr" part.
Baptism of Jozef Kišš (2nd page, 6th from the bottom). I think this is my Jozef. Went through the baptism records from 1837 till 1855, he was the only one. His brother Ján, here (2nd page, 2nd from the top). Anything interesting here besides the names of their parents? I see a note on Ján's baptism record.
One generation up with a marriage record for Ján Kišš & Mária Varga (1st page, 5th from the bottom). Can't even figure out the month in this one??
Ján died shortly after the kids were born (2nd page, 6th from the bottom). What happened?
Mária married again (2nd record) and I found 3 children through the recommended records (Juliana, Mária, Katarína) and her spouse Jozef Ballay dying here.
Thanks in advance for the help with translating these records!
The nanny-bot has mangled the URL for the marriage of József Kis and Julianna Bélik. Can you give the film and image number for it?
6. Born 5, baptized 6 September.
Child: Colomannus, male, legitimate
Parents: Josephus Kis, cotter, R.Cath.; Julianna Bélik, R.C.
Residence: Nagy Tőre No. 30
Godparents: Josephus Sághi merc. [soldier? merchant?] R.C., Julianna Béres R.C.
Officiant: the same (Stephanus Toth, adm. [sorry, I'm not spending time figuring out what that means]).
30. Josef.
János Kis, Mária Varga, Cath.
Laborer in N. Sáró.
Pál Józsa, Borbála Sróda.
?4. János.
János Kis, Maria Varga, Cathol.
Laborer in N. Sáró.
Jósef Nov??ád, Borbála Sróda.
1879 27/9 official baptismal extract issued? ([roughly] district office clerk of N. Sallo). [The remark is half in Latin, half in Hungarian, and I think the right-hand edge of the page is missing at least a few millimeters.]
St. Andrew's month [=November] 13.
János Kis, Mária Varga
Coachman in Nagy Sáró
Witnesses: Lázár K??? weaver, Mihál Demeter cotter
Officiant: local parson
with dismissal
[There was a thankfully-brief fashion for weird month-names. Translations:]
Oct. 17.
János Kis, Maria Varga's husband
Laborer of N. Sáró
Age 35 years
Cause: fever
Last rites: provided
Burial: cemetery of N. Sáró
2. 1852 Feb. 1.
Josephus Ballay servant, Maria Varga, widow of Joannes Kiss
Besse, county Bars, Nagy Sáró
Cath., Cath.
41, 26
single, widow
Witnesses: Joannes Dudás, Michael Demeter, servants
Officiant: Joannes Csizmazia, parson in N. Sáró
22. Born 27th, baptized 28th.
Julianna, female, legitimate
Josephus Ballai, Maria Varga, R.C.
Cattleman in Veszele No. 10
Joseph. Raczko, Maria Gubik, shepherd, RC
15. Born 11, baptized 15 August.
Maria, female, legitimate
Josephus Balay, servant, Maria Varga, R. Catholics.
N. Sáró.
Josephus Németh, Susanna Konta(?)
Died 4 Oct 1906 Zseli... [probably Zseliz = Želiezovce]
11. Born 23, baptized 26 May.
Catharina, female, legitimate
Josephus Balai, Maria Varga, RC
Cattleman in Veszele No. 14.
Joseph. Raczko, Maria Gubick RC
8. 1882 29th March.
Josephus Balai, husband of Maria Varga, cotter, RCath.
Origin: Baracska, residence: Nagy-Sáró No. 77
male, age said to be 71 years
Cause: dropsy
Last rites: provided
Burial: community cemetery of Nagy-Sáró, 30th March
Officiant: Franciscus Fehérváry, parson
Lived in matrimony 30 years: from 1st February 1852.
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Hi, thanks for those translations!
For the marriage record: Film No. 2389348, image no. 112. The record is from 6 NOV 1870
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The nanny-bot's blind search-and-replace changes all occurrences of the letter sequence w t h into asterisks, making it impossible to link to this page, because its ID is LBT6-WT H (minus the space, of course).
Alternative link (to thumbnail):
10. 1870 Novemb. 6.
Josephus Kiss, soldier in the Grand-Prince Michael regiment; Julianna Bélik
Nagy-Sáró | Zseliz - Nagysáró
23, 20
Josephus Navratil, gardener, Josephus Dudás, servant
The name of the regiment is in German, so it uses That Dratted Handwriting -- but luckily just for those words, not for the Latin around them. I can't even imagine the mental gymnastics involved in switching handwriting when switching language like this, but they seem to have taken it for granted.
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Oh c'mon, bot. Even in the links?
A soldier? Whoa, cool. Any idea if there is something about the regiment he served in? I tried to do some basic googling but I found nothing
Ah, I always seem to read "li" as a "h". So it's just Želiezovce. Thank you. That helped!