Can you download a gedcom file of your family tree or do you need to enter them individually Than
@Clive179 Clive179
.You can; but ...
Please Do NOT upload a GEDCOM File in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Upload GEDCOM File in the "Genealogies" Part of "FamilySearch", that is fine; but, please NOT in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Some of the reasons that Users/Patrons (like myself) DO NOT want the ability to upload a GEDCOM File into "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" are:
(1) It is most likely that individuals/persons in a GEDCOM File are ALREADY in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch"; and, most Users.Patrons DO NOT even take the time to look to see if any one in their GEDCOM File is already in "Family Tree", in some instances, negating the need to even upload the GEDCOM File.
(2) There has been (many) cases where Users/Patrons, using the "Compare" process (of the upload) have "Dismissed" a "Possible" Match with an individual/person already in "Family Tree"; so that, their "Record", from their GEDCOM File, is loaded into "Family Tree", regardless; just so that, their "Record" appears in "Family Tree" (and, in some instances, for Members of the Church, so they can do the "Temple" Work, despite the fact that the "Temple" Work is ALREADY done with the "Possible" Match with the individual/person already in "Family Tree").
(3) Even with the "Compare" process (of the upload), there has been (many) cases where Users/Patrons have uploaded THEIR version of an individual/person in their GEDCOM File, on top of (ie. Over) an individual/person ALREADY in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" that has been there for MANY years and is well documented and "Sources" - in many instances obliterating all of the documentation and "Sources".
(4) If an individual/person is ALREADY in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch", there is NO need to up uploaded one's version of an individual/person from one's own GEDCOM File - just take note of the the 'FamilySearch Person Idenmtifier' (PID) of the individual/person that is ALREADY in "Family Tree"; and, one can go back later to ensure what information/detail is recorded and attached for that individual/person. just DO NOT uploaded one's version of an individual/person in their GEDCOM File, on top of (ie. Over) an individual/person ALREADY in "Family Tree" - obliterating all of the documentation and "Sources" ALREADY in place/on record.
(5) The "Hours" (sometimes "Days") of work, by other Users/Patrons, that can be needed to CORRECT the DAMAGE done by the upload of a GEDCOM File can be disheartening.
I am sorry ... 'off my soap box' ...
Enter (ie. 'Create) the individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" one at a time - on a one by one basis.
Many of the individuals/persons most probably ALREADY exist in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Use the "Find" facility/function/feature to Search "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch", you may be surprised to find some (if not, many) of them already there.
Many well established and documented (eg. "Sourced") individuals/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" have been RUINED by the upload a GEDCOM File into "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
I hope this puts things into perspective.
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@Clive179 Clive179
We do not have our OWN "Tree" in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
We ONLY have "Branches", that are interconnected, in this SINGLE "One" World "Tree", for all of us, that is "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
"Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" is NOT like "Ancestry_com" or the like.
We DO NOT have "Private"/"Personal" 'Trees' in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" like other "Web" Sites; and/or, 'standalone' personal programmes.
We do not even, own; or, manage; and, are NOT even responsible for, the "Deceased" individuals/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
"Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" is built on a "Open Edit" Platform - hence, why any registered User/Patron can "Edit" (ie. Add, Delete; and/or, Change) ANY "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
You can certainly "Merge"/"Combine" any "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" with another "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch", regardless of who the User/Patron was that initially created those "Deceased" individuals/persons; as, they DO NOT reside with the User/Patron who initially created them - they are "Public".
If fact, you can ONLY see "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch"; except, with this 'rider', that you can ALSO only see "Living" individual/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" that YOU created; as, they reside in your "Private Spaces".
No other User/Patron can see ANY "Living" individuals/persons that were created by another User/Patron; as, they ONLY reside in the "Private Spaces" of the User/Patron who created them.
We CANNOT even see the ACTUAL Record in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearchc" of our IMMEDIATE Family (eg. Spouse; Children; Parents; Siblings; ETC; Etc; etc) if they are "Living"; and, they have their own "FamilySearch" Account.
Of course, you can create your "Living" Family members; and, record them in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch"; but, they will ONLY be seen by you:
- You cannot "Share" them with any other User/Patron.
- You cannot "Merge"/'Combine" them with any other "Living" individual/person residing in the "Private Spaces" of another User//Patron.
There is CURRENTLY no mechanism in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" for Users/Patrons, to "Share"; or, "give permission" to "Share", the "Living" individuals/persons in their own "Private Spaces" with/between other/another User/Patron.
There are a myriad of "Privacy" Laws within the many various Countries and Unions throughout the World - it is a nightmare to negotiate.
"Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" is used in many Countries and Unions throughout the World; and, as such, must adhere to the myriad of "Privacy" Laws throughout the World.
Hence, "Privacy" is one of the reasons that we cannot "Share" the "Living" individuals/persons in our own "Private Spaces" - it is NOT the ONLY reason; but, certainly has a bearing on the matter.
Another factor is that such would have to be 'Coded'/'Programmed' into the Programme that is "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
'Yes', these "Living" individuals/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" WILL, in fact, in many (most) cases will be "Duplicated" - unfortunately a necessary situation that currently cannot be avoided.
I know that there are "Duplicates" of the "Living" ME - at least, one for my Wife and each of our Children, not to mention my other ("Living") extended Family members.
Here is a good place to start, with how things work in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" (and, other programmes as well):
Introducing The Family History Guide
Introducing The Family History Guide
The Family History Guide
I hope this helps.
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@Brett . I agree! Sound advice! Post this again in more Groups! Change the time and effort someone puts into documentation to 10+ years!!! Then include at least half that time to clean up the duplicates because they don't show up as duplicates because the way the system works, when you GEDCOM into FamilySearch/Tree it's telling the system these new ones (could be in the 4,000 + like mine) !!!are not, not, not the same!!! Like Brett mentions!
@Brett . Please provide your opinion if this below is ok.
I did however have a helper at the St. George Family History/FamilySearch Center, (I had to do it at a Family History Center, when they were open), upload a GEDCOM from FamilySearch to my personal flashdrive and to my personal account!
I had been worried for several years with all the precious time and work my God and my family has blessed me with and helped me to get every little detail right I needed to do something to more permanently preserve, my research!
I wasn't sure if I needed to:
1. put each name (4,000+) into another program
2. print every single page of pedigrees, family group sheets and every source or at least save them as a PDF on my computer
3. pay someone to do it because it was just too overwhelming!
I am so very relieved and ecstatic to have my own records that don't change unless I do it myself after much research!😀
One other tip! I have created myself two identical trees in (use whatever program you want). They have two different names. One I'll call Shelly Permanent and the other one Shelly Practice.
Shelly Permanent is my permanent one where I would take a researched name from, to add to FamilySearch Tree when there wasn't a duplicate.
Shelly Practice is where I play with research until I get enough proof to add the name to Shelly Permanent. I keep this one private so no one sees my work in it's researching stages.
I sure hope this helps!
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Shelly, I'm curious why you keep the research one private. Seems like you'd get more value out of it being open where folks could contact you about information you've found on people...whether it is correct or incorrect. Can you tell me more? ...this from the woman who has 25 working trees on Ancestry!
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I agree 100% DO NOT import a gedcom file into Familysearch. DO A FIND for every single person you want to add to your tree (that includes anyone you want to add). The person/people you want to add could already be in FamilySearch. It is an absolute headache to merge all those duplicates that result from doing a gedcom. It takes less time to do each individually than it does to do merging.
(Sorry if it seems like I am shouting - but I have had to help others do merging because of this. They come into the family history center wanting to do research, but all the time is taken to merge - actually weeks and weeks -which prevents any research from being done.)
My mantra is ALWAYS do a FIND before adding anyone!
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@ShellyR Leavitt1
I apologise for my belated response.
If what you have setup, works for you; then, that is all you need.
You do not need anyone else's opinion.
If it works for you, that is great, that is all you need.
Even though I am not taking my own advice here, what you have set up sound absolutely perfect to me.
I just do not have the time to, do; or, have, such.
I just keep 'plodding' away, in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch"; and, addressing/fixing the problems/issues caused by other, mostly, well meaning Users/Patrons.
I check my "Watch" List of those that I am watching, at least twice a day, sometimes more, it only takes a few moments, provided I do not find anything untoward - that way I keep on top of changes as they happen, that day or within a few hours or days - much easier to address/fix.
I tried to "Download" my Ancestral lines from "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" a few years ago now; but, after about x6 Hours and 20000 (or, was that 200000) individuals/persons, the "Download" simply fell-over, dead (pun intended) - never to be resurrected (pun intended). I have never tried since.
A few years earlier again, one of my Ancestral lines, originally in "New.FamilySearch" of "FamilySearch", went ALL the way BACK; and, I mean, ALL the way BACK.
It was a great "Teaching" Tool.
It even worked for a number of years in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Unfortunately, with the influx of NEW and inexperienced Users/Patrons, that one great Ancestral line was RUINED.
"FamilySearch" even had "Missionaries" working to REPAIR the damage by some Users/Patrons; but, alas, unfortunately, it was NOT able to be resurrected.
It was so SAD to lose such great "Teaching" Tool.
As I said, even though I am not taking my own advice here, what you have set up sound absolutely perfect to me - stick with it.
Many Users/Patrons have a "Pedigree" or "Pedigrees" in the likes of, "Ancestry_com" ('On-Line'); or, "Ancestral Quest" ('Standalone'); or, both; and, still work in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
They maintain their "Pedigree" or "Pedigrees" in the likes of "Ancestry_com" ('On-Line'); or, "Ancestral Quest" ('Standalone'); or, both; so as, that NO ONE can "Change" or RUIN the Ancestral lines; as, they have a "Pure" Backup.
I hope this helps.