Translation Request of this birth record of Johann Pribil, 1843
Hi, do you maybe have the original source link of the record? This looks like a scan and it's really hard to read, because when you zoom in, it's really blurry
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Nevermind, I did find the source link by myself here. Here's the translation:
28 MAY 1870.
Jan Přibyl, son of Peter Přibyl, farmer in Mrákov No. 39 and Marie, neé Johánková from ?? No. 57. Catholic, single, 27 y.o.
Marie, daughter of Matouš Dufek, former farm owner in Mrákov No. 24 and Kateřina neé Janová from ?? No. 16. Catholic, single, 26 years and 10 monts old.
Witnesses: Simon?? Dufek and the 2nd one I can't read.
Priest/Officiant: deacon Václav Mach...?
Announced on the 3rd and 4th Sunday after Easter and on saint Jan Nepomucký (saint Jan Nepom. day I suppose?)
There is also a note on the bottom of the row:
Baptism certificate of the groom from parish office in Mrákov on May 10 1870, register No. II - 32, the same for the bride, No. II - 25