Translation of Danish birth record
I need help with this birth record in connection with a difficult research problem. Can someone give a full translation of the record, including all names involved. Thanks.
June? 22, 1783. Christen Andersen and Anna Andersdatter.
D[en] 22. Junii Dom[inica] 1ste P[ost] Trinit[atis] var Christen Andersen og hustru Anna Andersdatter deres Søn i kirke at ?læses? ?over? som forhen var hiemmedøbt og kaldet Jens [Christensen].
Susceptr[ix] [= Godmother] Christine Elbeck,
?T/F.B?: [Unknown abbreviation, but the following names should be sponsors]
Anna Knudsdatter, ?Hr. Fr. Adler?, Zidzel ?Boelsdatter? fra Beck (or ?Hr. Beck?), Ole S...d?, Peder Kiergaard ?fra Beck? (or Hr. Beck, but we have it written twice), Niels Hausholm, S. S....d.
So the 22nd of June, which was the first sunday after Trinity, the son of Christen Andersen and wife Anna Andersdatter Jens was brought forth in the church and "read over" [læses over], after having prior been home baptised and named Jens.
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Excellent, Niels. Thank you so much. The side-by-side helps me get a little more Danish, too.