Translation request for death record.
Would someone please translate the father and mother’s names on the above death certificate. I also tried sharing her birth certificate because the names don’t seem to match?
Her birth certificate is on Atenati page 47, Record 89 in 1818. I tried to share but the FS site wouldn’t accept.
Thank you!
You didn't indicate which death record (assuming #73) and you didn't provide the town (Palmi), without which an Antenati trail is useless.
Parents are Antonino Lisciotto and Maria Fundacaro, they are the same on the birth and death record. You may be confused by the fact that a midwife announced/registered the birth but the parents are listed in the handwritten paragraph on the birth record.
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My apologies. I thought the link would take you to the death record in Palmi. I will provide more information in the future. Thank you for your help.