Any ideas how to find my 2nd great grandfather
I worked with a member of the German group. He went through the Meklenburg, Langetwedt, Hadersleben, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Church records, and could not find my Great Grandfather. Does anyone have suggestions how I can find information on: Christopher Christian Joseph Heinspeter (Possibly Hinspeter), Male, born 1852, Family Search id# KG89-G2J? I have tried many different spellings birth date ranges, without success. His parents are a blank on our fan chart that we need to fill. Thank you.
There is a tree in which has this person in it.
I CANNOT CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION HERE IS CORRECT but it may give you a place to begin looking for your ancestor. I can't stress enough that you need to look at everything pertaining to his birth to be certain that it is the correct person and information!!
I am attaching a clip of the page in case you don't have access to Ancestry.
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Thank you. There are few new things on this. I have not been able to confirm arriving to America at New York with his mother and siblings. Not sure if it is the right Christian on the ship Shakespeare. The ship's records does confirm they were headed to Illinois. There is a 3-year birthdate difference, but it was an estimated one anyway. Baptism source is a new lead for me that I can investigate. Might be the lead I needed. Thank you.