Where can I find records for Kaluga Governorate births and baptisms?
I have made a breakthrough in some of my family's history, which leads me to the Kaluga Governorate. I want to find records online, but I can't find any. Can someone please help me? I am mainly searching for birth records. If it somewhat helps, my ancestor lived in the Meshchovsky Uyezd.
the state archive of Kaluga region is at https://archive.admoblkaluga.ru/ and has a lot online, however it is very much oriented towards internal Russian use. The birth records would be in GAKO https://archive.admoblkaluga.ru/GAKO but access is paid (via Russian bank of course) and not all of the metric books are scanned, plus the record survival rate is quite low, a lot has been destroyed in WW2.
If you provide the settlement name, I can try to look up what's available.
They also probably do remote queries directly, but I'm not sure how that's done in the current situation with VISA no longer working in Russia.
Best regards,
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Unfortunately the name is quite common as there are around 13 Pesochnya villages in Kaluga region and a few of them seem to have moved between the Meschov and other uezds. Hopefully this https://familio.org/settlements/f6774168-0bf5-45ff-bfae-eae8d7211fab is the right one and I suppose the closest church would be in Schetinovo (Щетиново) for which there are some books available depending on the year https://archive.admoblkaluga.ru/gako/search?p0.v=%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2&type=simple&p0.t=&p0.d=&p0.c=12&p0.a=19280&searchObjectType=DOCUMENTS&page12924=1 Not sure how many of them are scanned, usually the late 1800s and early 1900s are covered, but it won't let me open the "scanned documents" page without payment to check.
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Does anybody know how to make a successful payment other than paying someone who already lives in Russia?