Notation on a birth record
This is a 1901 birth record from Žižkov, as linked:
In entry number 701 for Antonín, on the lower left below the notation "Přestoupil k církvi českobratrská z Jičín 17/8. 26 č. 36920 (17. srpna v roce 1926)", there is another notation: …? … 8/?4? 1927, which I cannot read. It resembles the notation on the lower left of the entry above, number 700. What does it say? Is it regarding military service? To what source does it refer?
Also. regarding the notation about his conversion to ČCE, where might I search for č. 36920?
Thanking you in advance
Whilst waiting for comments, it bechanced that I came upon similar notations in the register.
I think that the first letter in the two notations indicated by the arrows is the same, namely "K".
Kř. l. = křestní list = certificate of baptism.
Following that is an abbreviation of a conjugation of the verb zařídit, to furnish or provide, and thence the date.
Thus, I have partially answered my own question.
I eagerly await help about the ČCE notation.
Here is the link to the register for anyone who wants to help:
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The other notation more correctly reads:
"Přestoupil k církvi českobr(atrské). h(ejtman). Jičín 17/8. 26 č. 36920".
Does hejtman have meaning other than "governor" in Czech?
Why would a governor be involved in one's change of religion?
Where might I search for č. 36920?
Anyone disagree with "Jičín" in the notation?
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the note is abbr. of "Křestní list vystaven" - baptismal certificate issued. This was usually done in connection with a wedding, so Antonín was probably married sometime after 8 April 1927 in a Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (probably in Jičín). "h(ejtman). " means hejtmanství, administrative unit.
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Thank you!
That gives me a place to look.