New person page functional differences with Ctrl and tab keys
I have trouble switching from mouse to keyboard and try to do most things by keyboard with as few keystrokes as possible. On the new profile page the Tab and Ctrl keys operate differently from the old profile page and require some extra keystrokes and mouse clicks.
- Ctrl + mouse click on a "Research Help" link doesn't work like the old profile page. On the old page this would go directly to the "Review and attach" page, but on the new page it operates as though the Ctrl key wasn't used and pops up the "Record information" window which requires another mouse click to get to the attach record screen.
- When entering a date and place, after using the down arrow to highlight the standardized date or place, the Tab key does not select the highlighted standard like the old page did. The old page Tab would select the highlighted standard and move to the next text box. The new page requires the Enter key and then a Tab to go to the next field.
- When entering the date and place and Tabbing through the Text entry boxes, an extra step is required on the new profile page to get past the "What's this?" link.
- When entering a Life Sketch, the edit window on the new profile page is so small it's difficult to see what I've written until I finish and look at it on the about screen
These extra key strokes and mouse steps might seem insignificant to some but are very cumbersome when every key is a struggle.
I also try to use the keyboard. With the old Person page, when I filled out the "Add Unconnected Person" form, I could tab through the form, entering first and last names, then tabbing through the Sex options: male, female, unknown and Status: deceased, living. With the new Person page, tabs go from one field to the next but not between options for that field. So I can tab for first and last names but after it tabs to Male, the next tab is to Deceased. This is more than an inconvenience. Websites should be designed for accessibility and a user of a screen reader or other assistive technology should be able to navigate predictably through a form like this. Has anyone found a way to select Female with just the keyboard? Otherwise, I am going to submit this as a feature request (providing previous functionality). Thanks.
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Researching this, I think have answered my question. WebAIM is an authoritative web accessibility website. According to their keyboard navigation chart,, the standard behavior for a form is that a tab should navigate between form elements and the arrow keys navigate through the options in one form element. This does work for the "Add Unconnected Person" form.
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I was going to write this up, but I'm glad you did already. Ctrl-click to open hints in a new tab has been my default behavior since day one on the site. The sliding panel design horribly inefficient.