Translation help French or Latin?
It is French. Here is what I can read:
The 4th of September was buried (in the ground, I think) Guillaume the carpenter who was brought from the parish of
(Your guess is as good as mine, I think I see enallenalle or possibly ending dle, though lle would be more typically french)
where he lived, age (the ink smudges make the age hard to be sure, but I read Soixante quatorze which is 74)
(The next two words look like ou devon to me, which do not make any sense to me)
The rest is just signatures as far as I can make out.
Hope this helps!
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Just one other thought on trying to identify the name of the place he was brought from. Since this is a record made in Veulettes-sur_Mer, you might try finding Veulettes-sur_Mer on Google Maps, and then scroll around the region and see if there is a place with a name something like you read in the document. Sometimes when you see the actual place name, the letters in the document suddenly make more sense.
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the name of the city is Malleville, just few miles south of veulette-sur-mer
you must not translate the name Charpentier is common in france and of course it means carpenter
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I believe Charpentier is his occupation, not part of his name, hence the translation
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oh i am sorry
the written is" le carpentier" (not le charpentier) so it is not carpenter in english. and so it is not his occupation
indeed, there is a word between "inhumé" and "guillaume" that i cannot read It could be a first because the
priest didnt' always use uppercase for the first names.