Seeking help translating Hungarian on 1834 RC death record
Can anyone please help translate the text in column 7 and also in the last column in the 22 January 1834 death record for Ignatz Eckl, 17 yr old son of the deceased Ignatz Eckl in Mecsekjánosi Parish? It is Entry #12.
For better or worse, what I had so far for Column 7 was: Nev szolgaltet elteme_t Szent Ketlan Puszta Löves után mindsant tu adta telket. I couldn't get anywhere on the last column.
Thank you in advance for any clues you can provide!
12. Date of death: 22nd of the Blessed Lady's month at 5 in the afternoon
Place: Puszta Jánosi
Deceased: Ignátz Eckl, son of the late ["blessed in God"] manorial hunter Ignátz Eckl, age 17 years, Roman Catholic, learning the same profession of hunting.
Last rites: not provided, because after an unfortunate gunshot, he died ["gave out his soul"] immediately.
Coroner: the same [plural?]
Burial: in the cemetery of Komló on 23rd of the Blessed Lady's month at 4 o'clock in the afternoon
Officiant: Josef Asbok county(?) priest
Remark: death occurring accidentally, ?? after ??? the body.
Boldogasszony hava "Blessed Lady's month" is January. (Yes, I had to look that up. It was a short-lived phase to rename the months like this.)
I'm afraid to even try what Google Translate would make of this stuff, but my best attempt at a transcription:
12. Boldog Aszon hava 22dikén 5 orakor dél után.
Puszta Jánosi
Eckl Ignátz, Istenben boldogult Eckl Ignátz Uraság vadászának fia 17. Esztendős, Romai Katolikus, ugyan vadász mesterséget tanuló.
Nem szolgáltattot ki, mert szerentsétlen Puska lövés után mindgyárt ki adta lelkét.
Ugyan azok
Komloi temetőben Boldog Aszon hava 23dikán 4. orakor délután
Asbok Josef megyés(?) Pap
Véletlen esvén halála, ?? ?? után ?? ?? a test.
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Julia - I can't thank you enough! It was so kind of you to translate this for me. Ignatz was my 2nd great-grandfather's elder brother. What a tragedy for the family since Ignatz' mother was a widow with young children at the time of her eldest son's death.
Thank you again for your wonderful help!