Death Notice for Harold Eikelaar
The notice, which begins with a Latin phrase "God is love" is by those for whom he was father, father-in-law and grandfather.
Harold Robert Eikeelaar, husband of Catharina Mesina Eikelaar-Osterloo [i.e. born Osterloo, then after marriage became known by a double-barreled surname, as is customary for married Dutch women] (died on 23 April 2006) was born in Breda on 11 August 1935 and died in Groningen on 15 August 2022.
He was a retired Orthopedic Surgeon and an honorary member of the Netherlands Arthroscopy Association.
In Haren (Groningen) his surviving relatives are Nynke [his daughter] and Edwin Spoelstra-Eikelaar. Their children are Roderick (whose partner or wife is Ieva) and Annick. Alex is Annick's partner because the word "and" is between their names rather than a comma (if the latter was the case, he would be a third child of Nynke).
The same pattern continues. The place of residence is followed by his four other children (note that one is in herinnering- in memory), their current partners, and on the next line their children.
Note that the double-barreled surnames for women and used to refer to families always have the husband's surname first. Names of partners/spouses always follow the names of children and grandchildren of the deceased regardless of gender. These conventions are very typical of Dutch death notices.
Finally, dates and times for "personally saying goodbye to him" are given. A place and time of burial, funeral or cremation is not explicitly stated.
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@A van Helsdingen & @Steve Schell
He died at 15 August, Pre-final greeting at home were he was laying in state on the 19th and final greetings on the 22 th August after which he was laid to rest at the familyplot on the cemetary of Kerkplein Oost Vlieland next to the church.
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I'm not sure how I missed the final two paragraphs. Must have zoomed in and not scrolled down ...
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Thank you both so very much. I am a beginner at research and my folks never spoke Dutch at home unless they were trying to keep something from us kids, so we never were taught it. I learned German and I can kind of get the gist of a paper, but tiny things that I don't know and therefore don't pay attention to send my search vessel off the rails. Thanks again very much kind sirs. Jerold
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Yw, a few very good site to do Dutch research are Openarch (from open archives), Wiewaswie and Zeeuws archief.Some can be defaulted to English or German language.
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Thank you Adrien. I really appreciate your help