Can you read it ?
"His death is in the death register for the year 1903 under number 12."
Number 77. Dated in Ondód, 11 September 1902.
Informant: János Vinkóczi, forest warden, residence Ondód house-number 219, known personally to registrar.
Father: János Vinkoczi, Roman Catholic, forest warden, residence Ondód house-number 219, birthplace Majk, Komárom county, age 33 years.
Mother: Mrs. János Vinkoczi born Erzsébet Hulczinger, Roman Catholic, homemaker, residence Ondód house-number 219, birthplace Császár, Komárom county, age 26 years.
Birth: Ondód house-number 219, 9 September 1902, 6 a.m.
Child: boy, Roman Catholic, János.
Number 12. Dated in Ondód, 2 February 1903.
Informant: Mrs. János Winkoczi born Erzse Holczinger, homemaker, residence Ondód house-number 219, known personally to registrar.
Deceased: János Winkóczi, Roman Catholic, residence Ondód house-number 219, birthplace Ondód, age 4 months.
Father: János Winkoczi, forest warden, Ondód house-number 219.
Mother: Mrs. János Winkoczi born Erzsébet Hulczinger, homemaker, Ondód house-number 219.
Death: Ondód, house-number 219, 2 February 1903, 9:30 a.m.
Cause: pneumonia.
Remark: informant is the deceased's mother. One pre-printed word crossed out.
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you are awesome.
If I ever have to return the favor, I don't know how I'll do it !