🌎 The Bridge Forum 15 December 2022 🌍
The next Bridge Forum will be on Thurs Dec 15th at 7pm MST. We'll have Ron Pratt, Mindee Ricks, and Richard Miller presenting. Here is a link to a poster/flyer that you are welcome to share with others: bit.ly/bridgeforum-dec2022
The Bridge Forum is a great way to learn how you can grow the Family Tree and create meaningful connections in your community through family history.
Here is just a bit about our presenters. Ron Pratt helped the youth in his community to index 30 million images. Mindee Ricks created an amazing website for a community project in Michigan. Richard Miller is the founder of Goldie May which provides some amazing genealogy tools (http://goldiemay.com/).
I hope it will be well attended. Much to potentially learn and then turn around and share locally! Glad the Bridge is back.