Swedish translation help
I am looking at the birth and christening record of Jöns Jönsson, PID LCTF-SVJ, born 1 September 1713 and christened 6 Septeember 1713 in Stora Habo, Roasjö, Alvsborg, Sweden. Can you read the name of his mother, Ingri ?? I'm pretty sure this is the only family on this farm at this time. Can it be Erlandsdotter?
I read the mother's name as Ingrij Pars doter; Ingri is a form of Ingrid; Pars doter should possibly be Pärsdotter, but the dots over the a are missing. Compare to Pärßon just above the line.
Thus the text is:
D: 1 September föddes Jöns Anderßons och Ingrij Pärsdoters Barn: Stora Habbo och döptes D: 6 dito. Kallades Hans
So the name of the barn is Hans Jönsson.
Thank you for your help! I'm wondering if the priest made an error with the mother's surname. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen that happen.