Print to PDF
These days one can easily find digital copies of various public domain books online - the entire book in pdf format. Some sites that provide such copies include
GOOGLE BOOKS https://books.google.com/
HATHI TRUST https://www.hathitrust.org/
INTERNET ARCHIVE https://archive.org/
FAMILYSEARCH DIGITAL BOOKS https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/
it is quite easy to obtain a large collection of books all in digital format. Acquiring a physical library is often no longer needed.
However sometime you may find a 400 page pdf document - with 5 pages that you are mainly interested in - and you want to share the 5 pages with someone else and not have to share with them the entire massive pdf file.
This can actually be done quite easily and without any special software other than what comes with the latest versions of Windows.
using "print to pdf" which comes with Windows 10 - you can print to pdf and in so doing just selecting to print (to pdf) those pages you actually want - and now you have a pdf of just those 5 pages.
another thing that many people find is that they have a group of photos that they want to combine all together in a pdf document. This again can be done with no extra software simply by selecting multiple images using the file explorer - and then right click and select "print" and do print to pdf. Now you have one document with all the images.
There are various programs available that can also do this and much more with lots of bells and whistles.
There are also free web services that also provide FREE pdf processing
such as compressing a file because it is larger then Familysearch's limit of 15 MB
or numerous other helpful options
such as those provided by ILOVEPDF
Here is a write up I did concerning pdf processing and how it can be so helpful.
anyone have any specific needs they have questions about?
One caveat
the above is mainly focused on work done on a PC
any comments from any of you about doing similar things on a smart phone?
@Yancey/Yancy Family Genealogy
@Ansley Family Genealogy
@Justiss/Justice Family Genealogy
@Nanney Family Genealogy
@Kavanaugh Family Genealogy
@Nuckolls Family Genealogy