Several questions about this Swedish image
I had enough questions stack up on this page that I thought I'd save a few hours and try asking here. They all show up on the second page of this image (the 1856 side).
Short version of the questions:
1: Between the 3rd and 4th line, does that extra info refer to Maria or Frans?
2: Frans' age has a half-loop where there should be a number of months. What does that loop mean?
3: After Frans, the record was sent to... somebody?
4: The line starting 4 - April - 14 - 20, whose dotter was Stina?
5: The line forced between Stina and Pehr is a challenge to read.
And the long version with my own best efforts:
1: The 3rd line (Maria Erica) and the 4th line (Frans Gustaf) have a bit written between them with a surname and a place name, "Johannisson i Mossling." Does that look like it would apply to Maria (who could use the place name, and probably wouldn't have the 'son' patronymic) or to Frans (who could use the surname, but lived in Mållebo)? And Mossling looks fairly clear, and it shows up again three lines down [below Broddarp] looking more like Messling, but I haven't been able to find any place in Scandinavia by either name. The closest match I can find in Jönköping is Mossäng, but that would have to be a very, very loosely written ä.
2: Also on Frans' line, his age is "1 ?/12" with an open loop for the month number, and that loop doesn't look like any of the writer's other numbers. It shows up a couple other times, including a few lines down on Annika's begravning date. Is that a number? An abbreviation? A filler when they don't have the exact date?
3: Next line after Frans. "Förteckning afsänd till N. [or V? or U?] R. den 11 Febr. 1856." To whom was that sent?
4: About a third of the way down the page, the line starting 4 - April - 14 - 20. Struggling to make sense of Stina's surname (Ma???sdotter) so as long as we're here, help with that would be appreciated.
5: Right below Stina is an extra line of text smushed in between the records for her and Pehr. I want to say it's a continuation of the bit about Pehr's skjutning, but it has two abbreviations, some contesting flourishes, and cramped writing to begin with, and I haven't come up with a meaningful guess as to what he'd be doing a month after his burial.
I appreciate help nailing down any of these.
Hello Jared,
some thoughts about your questions:
1: Just an idea: mässling (older form messling) is the Swedish word for "measles". Could it be that this is the cause of death in this case?
2: I have no explanation. But note that the age is not 1 ?/12, but 1 ?/2; writing error or different meaning?
3: I think the abbreviation is "H.R.", meaning Härads Rätten (District Court). A similar entry can be found below No. 9 and at the bottom of the page.
4: The surname is Magnidr, short for Magnidotter. Magni- is the genitive form of Magnus-; thus a more modern form of the name would be Magnusdotter.
5: I read: af Skarprättaren begrafven, enl. HäradsR. utslag d. 13/5 1856, meaning "buried by the executioner according to the verdict of the district court of 13 May 1856".
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Thank you, @Ulrich Neitzel! The words for "district court" and "executioner" hadn't come up in my life yet, I'm happy to say.
I was sure at first that the ?/2 was just a writing mistake, as the image is full of _/12 month indications in that column. But further down there end up being a couple more /2, /3 and a 3/4. The only way /2 makes sense is if that loop is repeatedly written in that context as an impossibly sloppy 1, or if it's indicating something else entirely. I thought it might even be an 'e' for "ett [halvt år]" except that Annika P can't have been buried "en Mars." Fascinating.