Translation Help Vienna Marriage record
Can anyone help me translate this marriage record for Anton Haymann and Juliana Richter?
I know about Anton from other records, including a marriage record to another woman in 1896, so I can guess what most of his column says but the wife and why he remarried is all new to me.
If I can provide any more info to help aide in translating let me know.
@Andrew Spitzer Considering the time, it's probable the first wife died and that's why he remarried.
Date: Jan 9th, 1893
Groom: Haymann Anton, Red Tanner, from Mokrin, Tortonaler Comit(at) in Hungary, legitimate son of Simon Haymmann, railway guard, and Theresia Liboszky
Address: Vienna V. (District), Lainzerstraße No 11
Age: 26 Years
Date of Birth: Feb 23rd, 1866
Note: Is Reservist.
Bride: Richter Juliana, of Mähr. Trübau, born in Moravia, née Albert, legitimate daughter of Franz Albert, weaver, and Anna née Kunz
Address: Vienna V., Lainzerstraße No 11
Age: 31
Date of Birth: March 29th, 1861
Note: Widow, according to death certificate of the asylum in Brünn, since June 20th, 1891
Note underneath it concerns technicalities of the wedding
Witnesses: Blascho Albert, stone mason, Vienna, Lainzerstraße No 11, and Szybist Ludwig, joiner, Vienna V., Lainzerstraße 11
The note on the far-right mostly concerns the documents which were presented. There is no further information on the wedding there.
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@StH31 Thank you so much for your help with this document and the birth record I posted too.
My guess is that the first part of the far right column says Anton is has "residency rights" or "belongs to" Konigsfeld in Brunn. The birth record of his other daughter with his second wife has a similar mark. If I remember correctly it says "The daughter through her father is a citizen of Brunn." I'd interested in if there is something similar in the next block of text that could provide hints where to look for records about Juliana (I found her birth record already based on these two records).
All that said, most interesting to me is "Is reservist". Do you have any suggestion on finding out which regiment he would be serving in? Would it be whatever regiment was in Meidling Wein or based on where he was born?
The 1890 Brno census record for Anton's brother Franz born near Mokrin (far away from Brno) has a note that I think suggests Franz was serving with or had served with the 86th Regiment (image pasted below). This was I believe the regiment that conscripted men born in Torontal, Hungary and is unfortunately the one of the only regiments for which I can find no records.
Thanks again for all your help,
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The far-right bit about the place he 'belongs' to reads
'Zust. nach Königsfeld Bez. Brünn in Mähren lt' (Subject in Königsfeld District Brünn in Moravia according to) and here it says something starting with 'Militär-' (Military-} but I have no experience with the documents/certificates concerned. However, I'd start looking for him in Königsfeld.
“Taufschein, Wohnungszeugnisse, Trau- und Todtenschein des verst. Gatten der Braut“
(Baptismal certificate, registration forms for the places of residency, marriage and death certificate for the bride's deceased husband)
This appears to be the regiment in question: Ungarisches Infanterieregiment No. 86/Hungarian Infantry Regiment No 86 (Source) (The screenshot won't show for some reason, just type in 'Nr. 86' and you'll find it in no time if scrolling's too slow)