Translation help Vienna Birth record
I am looking for translation help for the birth record for Theresa Haymann to Anton Haymann and Juliana. I know most of what's in the father column (Anton Haymann, born in Mokrin. Son of Simon Haymann and Theresia Diboszky) but just about everything else is new to me. I am especially interested in the large blocks of text and the mother column but any help if greatly appreciated.
If I can provide any more info to help aide in translating let me know.
First page:
Child: Theresia Helene
The block underneath her name tells of the father's (profession: Rotgerber /Red tanner) acknowledgment that the child is his own. The mother Julie Albert, widowed Richter, has declared him to be the father and he recognised his paternity in the presence of two witnesses.
Signatures to the Left: Anton Haymann als Vater (father), Julia Albert verheiratete Richter als Mutter (Julia Richter née Albert als Mutter (mother), Szybist Luwdig, Tischler, Wien V., Lainzerstrasse 11 [and] Blascho Albert, Steinmetz (Stonemason), Wien V., Lainzerstraße No 11 als Zeugen (witnesses)
Note: The mother's name is spelled both Julia and Julie.
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Second page:
First column:
Haymann Anton, Rotgärber, kath. von
Mokrin Torontaler
Comitat in Ungarn geb.
des Simon Hagmann,
Bahnwächters und der Theresia Liboszky,
ehel. Sohn
Haymann Anton, red tanner, Catholic, from Mokrin, Torontaler Comitat in Hungary, legitimate son of Simon Hagmann, Railway guard and Theresia Liboszky
(Signature of the priest)
Second column:
Lt. Angabe der Hebamme (According to the midwife's testimonial)
Albert Julie, verwitwete Richter,
Albert Julie, verwitwete Richter, kath.
von Mähr. Trübau in
Mähren geb. des Franz
Albert, Webers,
und der Anna geboren
Kunz, ehel. Tochter
Alber Julie, widowed Richter, Catholic, from Mährisch Träubau in Moravia, ledigitmater dauther of Franz Albert, weaver, and Anna née Kunz
Third Column:
The midwife: Jarnik Franziska, Wien V., Steinbauergasse No. 16
The child's parents were married: According to the marriage certificate they were married on Jan 9th, 1893, and the father also explicitly recognised his paternity.
The child's mother was widowed on June 20th, 1890, according to the asylum in Brünn.
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@StH31 Thank you so much for your help. I will start searching Brno church records for Julie's first husband's death.