Parents for Carl Johan Gunnar
I am trying to find the parents and correct name for a relative that I am researching. His name is Carl Johan Gunnar from Askeby, Ostergotland born on Oct 22,1854. I have found church records of his wife and children but nothing for his parents. His name has appeared several ways, Carl Johan Oijer, Carl Johan Anderson Gunnar, Karl Johan Gunnar Karlsson even Carl Johan Gunvor Lifgren. Besides the name variation, the records all seem correct. Can someone help me find his parents or where to look? His wife was named Gustava Amanda Nilsson and I think his mothers name was Anna Sofia Oijer born in 1863 in Varna Ostergotland but I have found no record other that another tree. The term Lifgren/Lifgrenad has also shown up several times in his name. Here is what I have for him. Thanks for any help.
Here is his birth/christening record:
This says he was "illegitimate" and no father's name is given. He was born and christened on 22 October 1854. His mother is maid Anna Sophia Andersdotter Öyer (or Öijer) in Stämna Bosthäle.
This 1848-1857 household examination record shows Anna Sophia Öijer (Öyer) living in Stämna but Carl Johan is not listed (she is the 3rd name from the top. There is an Anna Sophia Andersdotter listed under her, but that is a different person with a different birth date):
The note on the right-hand side of the page indicates she has moved to page 121 in this same book. That record is here:
In these household examination records, Anna Sophia Öjer's birth place is listed as Askeby and her birthdate is 25 May 1824. However, I think that birthdate must be incorrect because there is an Anna Sophia Andersdotter Öjer born in Askeby on 29 May 1824. That birth record is here:
Don't stress about the different ways to spell Öjer/Öyer/Öijer-names and places were spelled the way the person writing the record thought they should be spelled!
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I am more confused with Carl Johan Gunnar. Do you think there is anyway to find his father? I have seen Andersson, Karlsson. This is where it shows as Karlsson and Karl Johan Gunnar Lifgrenad
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Since he was illegitimate, you may never be able to find his father unless it is given somewhere in the Household Examination records. It is probable that the mother knew the father's first name, but she may never have revealed it. It is possible (but not certain!) that his father's first name was Karl (Carl) so he was called Karlsson or, since his mother's patronymic name was Andersdotter, he may have used the name Andersson at some point. See this Family Search webinar:
This article in the Family Search Wiki on Sweden Personal Names (especially the "Soldier Names" section may be helpful in understanding name changes in Sweden: I suspect that Gunnar was his military surname which he may have kept after leaving the military.
Lif(v)grenad(jär) is a military term. See Hans Högman's Military Terms list here (especially the term Grenadjär):
This is him in the Central Soldier Database: You can right-click and "translate to English" for a fairly reasonable translation.
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Thanks for helping me out. I'm sure I will have more questions