Temple work for Royalty and those in the Visitations
I have been able to trace ancestry through wills and court cases to those in the Visitations and eventually to Royalty.
My question regards temple work. We used to need permission for pre-1500 work to make sure we were not duplicating work. Now we do not and many trees now pre-1500 are fluctuating as people are changing them.
I had the understanding from years ago that the temple work had been done for all Royalty and so I do not need to worry about doing any of that??
I also wonder if the the temple work had been done for those that are in the visitations - or does that need to be done until one reaches Royalty???
I do not want to waste time on work already done - If I can get a definitive answer as to when I can stop doing the temple work on a particular ancestral line - I can spend that time researching other lines instead.
Thank you
Beverly Roth
This is totally my completely unofficial opinion. I think the pre-1500 limit was likely eliminated because Family Tree should make it easy to see what temple work is already completed and what is not even though a lot of people seem to be waisting a lot of time arguing over pre-1500 trees. So many people born after 1500 are not in Family Tree and need their work done and so few of the people born before 1500 that can ever be identified need any work done, your time can probably be spent much more profitably and benefit far more people if you still stick to post 1500 work. Unless you are completely certain that you can find and read documents from prior to 1500 that no one else has ever seen over the past 100 years.
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I have done pre1500 work in all available records I have been able to find - I have been doing this all my life (I am over 70). I keep double checking to see if new records become available in areas I am searching and occasionally get a pleasant surprise and find an area I can work more on. This happens more now because of the availability of online records.
I am not asking this because I want to be connected to certain famous people. I ran into some wills, land records, court cases etc that connected me to some of these people - hence my question. If the work is done - I don't want to waste my time. Yes I do read the old writing in English and enough Latin and German to be passably necessary to read those records
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I mean I have finished the work in the records available 1500 to the present - I am always checking to see what else comes available and sometimes have some pleasant surprises that allow me to do more than I had before.
Instead of just giving up, I have pushed to do research and connect further back in time if possible. I have had some success but do not want to just repeat work that has been done - that is such a waste of time. If the research has been done and the temple work completed, it does not have to be "reinvented". I will not waste my time doing that - my problem is that years ago I was informed that all the work for the royality and noblemen had been done. I need to know if that is true and how to recognize when I am to the point of duplication. I can then stop at that point and look for more information that may have come out on other lines and/or help others in their research.
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I see that you never got any more comments, so I'll offer a couple more totally unofficial personal opinions. All completed temple work should be in Family Tree. So if you are working in an area and starting to duplicate something, you should quickly run into the previously done research in Family Tree. You will know what has been done by seeing it in Family Tree.
My personal suspicion is that they took off the 1500 year barrier to temple work is because whoever is in charge of such felt that Family Tree was at a point that duplication of work would be prevented by the possible duplicates routines in Family Tree functioning effectively as they should.
One thing I can guarantee you, is that the rather pointless editing and re-editing of pre-1500 trees started long before the limit on temple work was lifted. Too many people seem insistent that their version of history and their opinion of the right way to enter data is the only one. Just check out Charlemagne's record. His name has been changed back in and forth in innumerable variations for years, sometimes multiple times in one day.
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Thank you - that makes sense. It is such a waste of time to reinvent the wheel!
It makes sense to check what is in there and if the main ancestors are done.
You are right about all the changes without documentation.