Russian Language document translation
Yes, this is! It is for Rosa, daughter of Anton Krol and Rosalia nee Groll. She was born in Bohemka on 1 October 1892 and was baptized in the parish of Alexandrovka, Simferopol.
Records for this area are tricky to get...there are some indexes of Catholic marriage records for Alexandrovka from 1908-1915 on Black Sea German Research:
Other records for this area would be in the Saratov State Archives in Saratov, Russia, likely fond (the section of the archive) 365. On this website,, you'll find three linked "opisi." They are kind of like inventories of the records that they have. The records themselves are not online, you would need to contact the archive and have them do a record lookup for you (there will be a fee). I have contacted this archive in the past and they responded within a couple of weeks. You can find contact info on this page: like their primary email is:
You'll want to write your request in Russian...there's a template here that you can follow:
You can use Google Translate to help fill in the blanks.
If you need help figuring out the inventory or writing to the archives, let us know.
Hope this helps!