Looking for Schlitter in Austria-Hungary
We are looking for Schlitter, John and his son Michael James Schlitter who have listed Neuzina as their possible hometown. Another possible name could be Zrenjanin. Any help would be appreciated. TIA
Wikipedia states that Neuzina is in the Sečanj municipality in the Central Banat District (Srednje-Banatski Okrug), Vojvodina province, Serbia. FamilySearch has the 1828 census of the taxable population of Hungary, with Neuzina included on microfilm 623151 (images 520-567). There are also browsable Roman Catholic marriage records from the Sečanj parish for 1807-1849; see linked.
For additional records, you'll likely need to email the national archives, the diocese, or the local parish. See https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Serbia_Church_Records#Writing_for_Records (the "Writing for Records" and the "Serbian Orthodox Church Records"--or other religion's--sections) for information about how to do so.
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In present day Serbia, these types of records are typically housed at the local archives, going back to the Yugoslav era. If you have a specific date associated with any of these names, that would be helpful as well. You can reach out to Istorijski Arhiv Zrenjanin (which also should include records from Neuzina or Nusin as it was called by the Germans) here:
Historical archive of Zrenjanin
Address: Trg Slobode 10, 23000 Zrenjanin
Contact: +381 23 564 322
Reading room opening hours: 8-14 hours
Secretariat opening hours: 7-15 hours
Contact person in the library: Svetlana Đukić
Director: Mirjana Basta