Surnames: Babaj or Hazel, Locations in Hungary: Kis-zslance or Majorezup in the 1980's?
I am doing some personal genealogy work on my mother's side, looking for these two...
Julianna Hazel, B:abt 1879 Kis-zslance, Austria Hungary
Andrew Babaj, B:8 Feb 1873 Majorezup Austria-Hungary
...but I can't find their locations of: Kis-zslance or Majorezup in Hungary (or anywhere else) using 2022AD google maps or using 1880's maps of Austria-Hungary.
While I can find these two relatives once they reach the USA, I can find them in Hungary before they left for the USA.
I have tried in WorldExplorer at, and here in FamilySearch, but no luck.
And suggestions?
Rick Ragan, Austin, Texas
What is your source for those rather mangled placenames? Any chance of a link to the image or images they came from (not behind Ancestry's paywall)?
There are rather a lot of Hungarian places in Kis- "small, lesser", but the only one with the string -lanc- in it is Kis-Szaláncz, which was in Abaúj-Torna county, and is now Slanec, Slovakia. Of course, it's also possible (even likely) that -lanc- is a misreading, because the rest of it obviously is: Hungarian turned Stephen into István because it can't handle initial consonant clusters, so "zsl" is Right Out.
Major "farm, manor" usually comes at the end of placenames. There are a few places that start with it (Majorfalva, Majorka, Majorlak, Majoróczka, Majoros, Majorpuszta), but none of them end with anything remotely like "ezup", which is a meaningless string of letters and thus obviously a misreading of something, but I can't figure out of what.