Death Record Translation Request
Could I please get a translation of #2 Christian Friedrich Wegner's death record.
Thank you,
And on this marriage record for him, what is the word in the square?
Christian Friedr[ich] Wegner, Einlieger [free farm laborer - see Thode]
Age: 63 years, 6 months
d. den 21ten April ein und zwanzigsten Nachmittags 1 Uhr
died the 21st of April (twenty-one) at 1 o'clock in the afternoon
An der Wassersucht
from dropsy
bu. den funf und zwanzigsten 25ten April
buried the twenty-fifth (25) April
Er hinterlässt ein Wittwer und 5 Kinder, davon eines ein minnorenns?
he left behind a widow and 5 children, of them one minor
The word in the marriage record is Krüger[s] = innkeeper
des verstorb[enen] Krügers zu Retztow = the deceased innkeeper at Retztow
@bobgreiner1 Thank you!