Translation Help with Maria Elisabeth
Could someone help me with a complete translation for #391. Ancestry has it indexed under Johann Gottlob Henkes? but I think that is actually Maria Elisabeth’s. 9 Nov 1827 in Bromberg
Thank you
Hello @Lisa Renz_1,
You are correct: this is the death record of Maria Elisabetha, née Glimm.
Number: 391.
Year and month [of death]: 1827 November.
Day of death: 9th.
At which place: Bromberg.
Deceased: the wife of the journeyman carpenter Johann Gottlob Henke named Maria Elisabeth, née Glimm.
Age: 72 years.
Status of the same: [blank].
Status and occupation of the father: [blank].
Name of the father: [blank].
Name of the mother: [blank].
Legitimate female: "174" [the 174th legitimate female to die in this parish/place this year].
Illness: weakening/debilitation.
How was the pastor convinced that the deceased was really the person he/she was alleged to be: the pastor's own conviction.
Remarks: 3 adult . . . ?
Thank you Robert!
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You're very welcome, Lisa.