Temple Ordinances are not Available
I noticed that one of my second cousins, six times removed, Francis Barton LCZ3-YMK, has Temple Ordinances listed as "cannot request - not available". I am wondering if there is some way to qualify him to receive Temple Ordinances. Temple work has been done for his wives and children. There was a duplicate of the same name, with the same birth information, that was not merged, because of being listed as female. And their are two birth records listed as sources, one as female, and the other as male. But this individual is obviously male according to most sources, and the fact that he was a husband, and a father to many children. I am wondering if his status may be evaluated and his Temple ordinance status be changed to available?
Thank you,
Chris Marsh
Just follow the directions given, that is, contact FamilySearch.
Post this question under the Temple section here: https://community.familysearch.org/en/categories/temple That is where the proper people will see it.
You will notice that the vast majority of question in this section are just like yours. The team that evaluates and fixes the underlying problems is quite efficient and will take care of this for you.