Can Anyone please help with incomplete transcription/translation of this 1647 marriage?
Can anyone please confirm what this marriage record is supposed to say based on my incomplete transcription/transcription? It was attached as a source to my tree but I can't really read it to determine its accuracy and I am guessing at the very illegible names mentioned.
2 May Anno 1647 _______ ________ worden Jacob Suess Hans Suess zu Dietlingen ________
Vater: ___ mit Anna _______ Hans Schmidt _____ zu __________ Vater: tochter _____ _______
______ mit _______.
On 2 May 1647 _______ ________ was Jacob Suess, Hans Suess from Dietlingen (is this his profession?) father ___ with Anna _____ Hans Schmidt ______ from (Im guessing Ellmendingen?) Vater: Daughter ___ ____ ____ with _____.
Thank you in advance for any and all assistance.
My additions in bold:
Den 2 May Anno 1647 eingesegnet worden Jacob Suess, Hans Suessen zu Dietlingen S. nachgelaßn.
Sohn mit Anna weiland Hans Schmidts S. zu _________hinderlaßn. tochter ohn alles hochzeitl. Gepr[äng]?
On 2 May 1647 blessed (in marriage) was Jacob Suess, surviving son of Hans Suess from Dietlingen with Anna surviving daughter of the late Hans Schmidt from (Im guessing Ellmendingen?) without any wedding splendor
Thank you so much, as always, for taking the time to help me with these translations and transcriptions. It is most gratefully appreciated.