England and Wales Censuses
Does anyone know why we no longer have ready access to the England and Wales Censuses on FamilySearch? The 1800 censuses must be accessed at Family History Centers and the 1900 ones at Find My Past. When did this change happen? I know it is fairly recent.
There was a change in the contract with the record owner, the UK National Archives (TNA) in November 2021. The old contract gave FamilySearch the right to publish the censuses to patrons at FHCs and Affiliate Libraries and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Technically, non-LDS volunteers also got access, but since TNA and FS never agreed on a definition of a volunteer, this part of the contract was not put into force). Since November, only patrons at FHCs and Affiliate Libraries have access.
I know this because I received a copy of the contracts from TNA.
This change therefore has no affect on non-LDS, but LDS members have lost their ability to access the images from home.
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Thank you so much!
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That is curious. I am a Church member. I have just gone to the search, browse a collection and have been able to search the 1911 census without a problem. All the other censuses are listed too.
I have a separate account in which I am not listed as a Church member (this allows me to view what another non-member would see). I can find and search all the censuses with this account too.
In any event Church members continue to be able to access census records from home via their free affiliate accounts with Ancestry and FindMyPast.
Graham Buckell
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It is only the images that are affected. The indexes are searchable from home- TNA explained to me that FamilySearch owns the Indexes and therefore TNA cannot place restrictions on access to it.
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Ah yes - I did not go as far as checking the images themselves. They are not accessible either via my member or my non-member account. As mentioned, images can still be accessed via the free affiliate accounts at home.