Looking for birth father
I am a female born in 1954 in Washington. After finally getting my original birth certificate 7 years ago, I was able to locate my birth mother who was still alive at age 84 (she is still living). I contacted her and she told me I was the result of a date ****. She was 23, single and living on her own. She never told anyone that she was pregnant. She also never told the man she married 4 years later until she received my letter. She did tell me what she remembered (after 60 years) about the man, including a name and that she later learned he was married and had children. She also gave me information about some of her ancestors. I can't ask her if she remembers more as she is still traumatized every time she has to remember the attack and wants no further contact from me. Luckily, her husband has kept in touch and has told me about her and even emailed me some of her childhood pictures. I have tried everything I can think of to find him but to no avail, including taking a DNA test. I'm finding lots of relatives in my mothers' side because I stated a family tree with her; and maybe his, but how do I know? I am hoping someone in this group can point me to other resources. I know the following:
Name: Rocky Ansell (she didn't know if it's his first name or a nickname and not sure of the last name spelling)
Stationed at Fort Lewis Washington during 1953 - scheduled to be discharged sometime after June 1953. Rank unknown or if he served in Korea.
Probably born 1920-30 because he was married with a wife in kids in Ukiah, CA in 1953 (could she have meant Yucaipa, CA as there are cities with each name in CA) He told her that's where he was from.
Thank you for any information you can give me.
Viki Anderson
I suspect your DNA results should be enough to figure out who your biological father is, with the help of other genealogical records. The challenge is interpreting the DNA matches. You don't say which company you did your DNA testing through. AncestryDNA's database is much larger than the others, and will give you the most matches, at least for American research. If you don't have matches to people with Ansell ancestry, then perhaps that was not his name. If you tested with AncestryDNA, you can share your results, and I would be happy to help you further. My email is bryajw2@hotmail.com
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I was so pleased to read your comment Viki - I was born in 1945 - brought up by two parents - at age 52 I was told by my mother that my father was not my biological father. She said she had not told anyone and my father did not know. He died when I was 34. She said my bio father came from Bromsgrove, Warwickshire, England - he had served in the RAF - he was seconded to the London School of Economics due to his knowledge of foreign languages. She said his surname was Houghton but she could not be sure of his first name although she thought it was Ken. Apparently my conception was a one off occasion! She said he did see me once when I was a baby and apparently he had a baby son.
Some years later I joined Ancestry.Co in order to research my mother's family and then later did a DNA test. I was amazed when my DNA showed no Norfolk DNA (I have lived in Norfolk all my life and my Dad was from Norfolk) My DNA showed that my English DNA was half Lincolnshire (where my Mum and her father originated) and West Yorkshire where her mother originated. The other half was the West Midlands which of course includes Bromsgrove!
I have so many good DNA matches from the West Midlands and am in touch with two families - the Law family from Staffordshire and the Hughes family from Warwickshire. In fact one of my matches - her father was born in Bromsgrove - is working with me as she believes her grandfather is the missing link. She has received many texts from Ancestry members to whom we are both related and they too are searching for "missing" ancestors. Between us we have tried to advise our shared matches that they need to remove her grandfather from their trees as this is causing a massive brick wall for everyone. We have found that we are related to another Hughes family but cannot establish who her grandfather actually was - we feel there is a second Hughes family - bigamy maybe!
My problem is that I can find no link between the Law and Hughes family. On MyHeritage site my top match is the Auntie of the lady who is working closely with me. Also no link to Houghton.
Please could you help me. I realise my bio father will be deceased but I may have half siblings and basically I really would like to know who I actually am!
Thank you for any help you are able to give me.
Linda Easey
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@JeffreyBryant1 Thank you for you comment. I hadn't thought about entering the information I have about my birth father on my family tree but I will do so now and hopefully get some more information.
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Thank You Viki for your candidness in your story, its inspirational. I am new to this group, and just beginning to research and understand my own story. Good luck in your search.