Hilfe bitte mit 1794 Trauungen - Süderstapel
This is the death record for my 5th GGM, Wiebke geb. Jacobs. Her 2nd husband was my 5th GGF. I've transcribed much of the entry, but would appreciate help in filling in the blanks or correcting errors.
Dig. image at Archion.de:
=== My Transcription ===
[died] 19 Nov [1794], [buried] 25 Nov
Wiebke, des Einw: Gosche Dierks in Seeth Ehefrau. Alt 58 Jahr.
hat [?] geheiratet? 1. Claus Eggers, Einw. in Seeth. 2. Hinrich
Grefe, einw: in Seeth. 3. den Witwer Gosche Dierks in Seeth. Hin-
terließ? aus der 2[nd] Ehe. [?] Tochter Heinke Grefe, [married]
[?] 12 Sept h.a. su? Behrend Engel in Seeth [?] ist?
ihr Vater ist Dettlef Jacobs of Nordstapel gewohnen?
=== My Translation ===
Wiebke, wife of Gosche Dierks of Seeth, aged 58 years, died 19 Nov 1794 and was buried 25 Nov. She had married 1. Claus Eggers, resident of Seeth, 2. Hinrich Grefe, resident of Seeth, and 3. the widower Gosche Dierks of Seeth. She leaves behind from her 2nd marriage a daughter, Heinke Grefe [who married] Behrend Engel of Seeth on 12 Sept [this year]. Her father is Dettlef Jacobs, living in Nordstapel.
my editions/additions in bold:
=== My Transcription ===
[died] 19 Nov [1794], [buried] 25 Nov
Wiebke, des Einw: Gosche Dierks in Seeth Ehefrau. Alt 58 Jahr.
hat 3mal geheiratet 1. Claus Eggers, Einw. in Seeth. 2. Hinrich
Grefe, Einw: in Seeth. 3. den Witwer Gosche Dierks in Seeth. Hin-
terläßt aus der 2ten Ehe. nur eine Tochter Heinke Grefe, welche
seit d 12 Sept h.a. an Behrend Engel in Seeth verehelicht ist.
ihr Vater ist Dettlef Jacobs in Nordstapel gewesen.
=== My Translation ===
Wiebke, wife of Gosche Dierks of Seeth, aged 58 years, died 19 Nov 1794 and was buried 25 Nov. She had married 3 times: 1. Claus Eggers, resident of Seeth, 2. Hinrich Grefe, resident of Seeth, and 3. the widower Gosche Dierks of Seeth. She leaves behind from her 2nd marriage only one daughter, Heinke Grefe who married Behrend Engel of Seeth on 12 Sept [this year]. Her father was Dettlef Jacobs of Nordstapel.
I work on these to help me learn and I think I've figured out some of them. Hopefully others will check my work!
The ? after hat is "3mal". When mal is a suffix it means "times" so it says " hat 3mal gerheirathet" (had married three times).
After 2[nd] Ehe. the [?] is "nur einer" (only one).
I think the one word is "hinterbist" which I have in my notes as meaning "leaves behind" and refers to surviving family as you translated it. But I'm not sure where I got that information as I cannot find "hinterbist" as a word in any of my references.
Th ? after "Behrend Engel in Seeth" is "verehelicht" (married).
The last word of the record is "gewasen" (late/deceased).
I still can't figure out the word(s) immediately after Heinke Grefe.
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@Ulrich Neitzel ... Thanks for the details.
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@JohnsonGreg ... Thanks for your help.