request transcript
Translation first image:
1888 No. 49
name of the child: Philipp Mühlenbein
date and hour of birth: 5. August 1888, 4:30 a.m.
legitimate or illegitimate: legitimate, 8th child, 4th boy
name of the father: Friedrich Mühlenbein
name of the mother: Maria, née Hammerschmidt
parent's place of residence: Bomberg
date of baptism: 12 August 1888
name of the baptizing pastor: Corgerator Bender
name of the witnesses: Philipp Stuhldreier, Elis. Humpert
Translation second image:
1876 No. 51
name of the child: Maria Mühlenbein
date and hour of birth: 21. August [1876], 12:30 p.m.
legitimate oo illegitimate: legitimate, 2nd child, 2nd daughter
name of the father: Friedrich Mühlenbein
name of the mother: Maria, née Hammerschmidt
parent's place of residence: vorm? Bomberg
date of baptism: 27 August 1876
name of the baptizing pastor: the same
name of the witnesses: 1. Maria Andre in Bochum, 2. Heinrich Hammerschmidt