Språk knapp eller nasjonsidikator?
Hei. Når man er inne for å legge inn personens navn, så er det en knapp på venstre side som enten indikerer "other" eller norsk og flere andre. Er det en indikator for språket som brukes eller fordi personen er fra Norge eller altså er norsk?
Johanne Hernes
Denne knappen forteller dataprogrammet hvilke språk dette navnet er skrevet i. Dette gjelder bare navnet og har ingen betydning for resten av informasjonen som er satt inn.
Mvh Siv
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Takk for beskjed, Siv. Det er jo egentlig av vesentlig betydning i forhold hvilke bokstaver som skal brukes. Håper alle forstår DET og bruker det når det er norsk og i Norge vi jobber. Et tips til utviklingsgruppa. Hvis vi kunne hatt et sted hvor vi velger hvilket land vi jobber i, så kommer særbokstavene frem et sted, sånn at det blir lettere å skrive riktig.
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Hi Johanne, how are you_ I am only half Norwegian (Sørensen through my Mother) and my language skills are a bit basic but, although I use English most of the time, I have set up my laptop with bokmål as well. This doesn't work as well as my tablet as it doesn't show me where on the keyboard I can find æ. ø, å. I have to try to memorise where they are. I also have to try to memorise where the keys displaced by these letters are in their new locations. A bit of a hassle but it needs to be done. I've joined this group to try to improve my Norwegian and stop using Google Translate. Most of my Norwegian ancestors have already been found for me by one of my cousins, Hilde through a professional genealogist.
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Hi, John. I know there is an app for different kinds of letters. But I just can't remember the name of it just now. One of my contacts used it. Another thing you can do, have your own database. I use Legacy. I transfer all my findings through that program. It is easy to use and they have a lot of different European languages and all their letters.
Like you, I have a lot of family in Scandinavia, and also from the US. It has been so fun because my Great Grandfathers descendants took contact with me and came to visit us at the place he was raised. We had a lovely week where we gathered as many cousins, aunts, and uncles that still was alive. Where in Norway did your family originate?
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Hi John.
You might use these combinations on your keyboard to write the special Norwegian letters:
æ: alt+145
ø: alt+155
å: alt+134
Æ: alt+146
Ø: alt+157
Å: alt +143
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Takk Aud Marit. Du er superduper!
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Aud Maarit vet du bokstavene Ä og Ö også?
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Google er greit å ha:
ä: alt+132
Ä: alt+142
ö: alt+148
Ö: alt+153