Help needed to translate cause of death Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books
I am having a hard time translating these 2 causes of death for my great grandfather and great uncle.
Line 14 - Janos Korenko - died 2 Jul 1905 - (page 292)
Line 16 - Gyorgy Korenko - died 21 Nov 1909 - (page 294)
Thank you,
I never did Hungarian..... yes it is Hungarian, so relying on my heuristics for handwriting and languages
line 14
Korenko János fia Korenko Grygöry és Jochman Ana Svábfalu; Janos Korenko, son of Gregory Korenko and Anna Jochman, from Švábovce
cause of death looks like "halálos csonttörés" a deadly bone fracture
liner 16
Korenko Grygöry firje [férje] Jochman AnaSvábfalu; Gregory Korenko, husband of Ana Jochman from Švábovce.
Gigebaja rings familliar with gangrene, but spelling is creative to say the least so no way for me to confirm that
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1905 Julius 2, 4
Korenko János fia Korenko György és Jochman Ana Svábóc
Ho 13 hónapos
Tüdő hurut
Meleky András lelkész
Svábóc 13
1909 november 21, 23
Korenko György férje Jochman Ana Svábfalu
34 éves
Gige baja
Meleky András
My interpretations:
Died 2, buried 4 July 1905.
Deceased: János Korenko, son of György Korenko and Ana Jochman, Svábóc
male, age 13 months
Cause: lung inflammation [i.e. pneumonia]
Officiant: András Meleky pastor
Place: Svábóc 13
Died 21, buried 23 November 1909.
Deceased: György Korenko, husband of Ana Jochman, Svábfalu
male, age 34 years
Cause: laryngeal problem [interpreting gige as a dialectal or uneducated spelling of gége "larynx"]
Place: Svábfalu
Officiant: András Meleky
The phrasing or word order is ...weird: taken at face value, the 1905 record says "John Korenko's son George Korenko and Anna Jochman", and the 1909 one says "George Korenko's husband Anna Jochman". But all of the entries are phrased that way, so I'm thinking the clerk who wrote these spoke Hungarian as a second (or third) language, and was applying another language's patterns. This is bound to fail, because Hungarian does possessives backwards from all of the Indo-European languages that I'm familiar with.
(In IE languages, you mark or change the owner: George + son = George's son, Georgius + filius = Georgii filius. In Hungarian, you mark the thing owned: György + fiú = György fia. It sounds weird except in some very limited contexts, but you can "double up" and add a "to, for" suffix: Györgynek fia. This allows for more flexibility in word order: fia Györgynek. It sounds even weirder that way, but it would've allowed for the register's apparently-preferred word order while still maintaining the intended meanings.)
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Thank you both so much for your help! It is super appreciated! My mother will be surprised to see the causes of death since they don't go along with the family stories she was told.
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Oh my, I took the cause of death from... the wrong row, probably translated it wrong too, amazing work @Julia Szent-Györgyi