Help needing for a latine mention on a polish baptism act.
I was looking for my grandfather in Bukowina and finally i found him in Poland ! I obtained his baptismal certificate as well as that of his brother. But there is a Latin mention which I do not understand. Someone to help me please ? Look the photo.
Acte de baptême Josef et Abel Miejsce Piastowe.jpg
Would you mind uploading the entire document? It helps to see the other entries, and look at the script to decipher the words.
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The parish of Miejsce Piastowe just send me this photo more
this one . It's all. I can't read after "sub conditione baptisavit...".
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I think the last word is the Latinized adjectival form of a placename, but I don't know enough about Polish placenames to decipher it. Based on the little bits and pieces of other entries that can be seen, the placename may be the same as elsewhere on the page. It would've been really nice to get access to all of the entries. (1905: everyone even vaguely mentioned on the page was born at least 116 years ago, what the heck are they protecting?)
Online translators are suggesting "conditionally baptised", but I have no idea what that would mean. I assume that the note is related to the absence of full names for the parents, and to the lack of birthdates: were these late (or even adult) baptisms?
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My grandfather and his brother are borned in 1895 and 1896 in Radautz Bukowina and they are baptised in 1905 in Galicie . There is late baptism and it's a mystery for me.. .Thanks for answer.
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Sub conditione baptizavit Bron Markiewicz
baptisavi is "i have baptized"
so the note would read "I have conditionally baptized, Brom Markiewicz (priest)"
This act is very much bare, no birth date, just baptism, the children are considered legitimate, but names of parents are incomplete, just surnames, and only one godparent, on a pure speculation i would propose, that their parents had to relocate to the area completely new to them and in the absence of documents priest opted for a "renewal" of baptism, pure speculation though.
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Yes it is not very enlightening information but it is the only one that I was able to obtain ... It's difficult to search in Poland. Thanks for answer. Have a good day.