Is there such a place as Trezzano D'Adda, Milano, Italy?
I am trying to trace my ancestors on my mother's side but seem to have run aground because I cannot find the place they were from. I think the place name is wrong.
My great grandfather was Epaminonda Vittorio Emmanuele Andreoni (19 March 1866 – 25 December 1934; M82R-SHL on the Family Search Family Tree). He was apparently baptised in 1866 in Trezzano D'Adda, Milano, Italy (according to IGI record but I cannot find that place.
His parents Luigi Andreoni and Erminia Gorla were apparently married in 1865 in Cusago,Milano,Italy (IGI so I am thinking that Trezzano d'Adda should really be Trezzano sul Naviglio whcih is close by.
I need to look at the parish or other registers to be sure.
So, firstly is there such a place as Trezzano d'Adda?
And secondly, how can I access registers for Cusago and Trezzano sul Naviglio?
Many thanks in advance for your assistance.
@Ontymay It's definitely recommended to consult the original records if possible!
I agree that Trezzano d'Adda is probably referring to Trezzano sul Naviglio, since that town is adjacent to Cusago.
Unfortunately, no records from this area are available online, which is extremely unfortunate!
There are 2 types of vital records that exist in Lombardy:
- Civil records: These exist for the period 1806-1815 as well as 1866-present. These are the governmental registries of births, marriages, and deaths. These records will be held by the individual comune governments. It is impossible to consult the originals, but the comunes are able to issue birth/marriage/death certificates. That said, it is not always easy to get the comunes to comply with research requests, which is why many people will use professional genealogists or document retrieval services for this.
- Church records: Church records of baptism, marriage, death should exist from the 1500s in each parish church. Additionally, since about 1770, it has been mandatory for the parishes to submit a 2nd copy to the diocese. Since your research is concerning the period after 1770, I would recommend contacting the Archivio Diocesano di Milano ( to first of all confirm that the records survive for your towns of interest, Cusago and Trezzano sul Naviglio. If yes, then you can see if they are willing to do research by correspondence for you, or else you can send a professional genealogist, or even go in-person yourself. Any research prior to 1770 will absolutely have to be completed at the parish churches themselves, which requires special permission from the parish priest (not easy to obtain).
@joseph99929 thank you so much for such a prompt and helpful answer. I will proceed with Trezzano sul Naviglio since it makes sense and my mother was told that her grandfather was from Milano.
The story goes that he was destined for the priesthood and was sent off to Rome where his uncle was a priest. But he had other ideas and ran off to England instead where he was a waiter and eventually a restaurant manager.
thank you once again for your expertise and assistance