I could use help with the translation of this birth record. This birth record can be found in the
Zamrsk Archives in the parish of Chrast in the village of Horka in the birth register 921 1800-1816, pg 292 record 4 (it is the last record on the left page).
I would especially like to know the names of the parents but anything else you can add would be appreciated. Here is what I think I know about this record, the child's name is Josef, he was born on 4 March 1805, the father's name is Josef Nemecek???, the mother's name is Katerina Zegdowa???. They lived in Horka in house No. 45.
Your help is appreciated, Thank You
Lou Klapka
The father on this record is Jozef Šimek and the mother is Katařina Kratošezlova[?] (her father was named Jiří).
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Thank You McKenna, it is not the answer I wanted, so I will just keep searching for Josef Nemecek's birth record.
Lou Klapka