Please help me with a translation of this Warmond Church Record
Can someone translate the entry on May 13, 1782 for me. See top of right page.
I cannot help with the translation but if I leave this comment it should move your request to the top of the list. I hope this will help.
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den 13 de Mei is op het kerkhof begraven Elisabeth Ysfer een half uur geluid komt rechts van luide kerke
i used today's spelling for this;translated it sounds like this.
At the 13 th of May is buried on the cemetary
Elisabeth Ysfer bells tolled for a half hour
allocated to the right side of the church(*)
The last sentence contains a strangeness,if i compare it to the other endlines on the folio.
They allocate to a plot, sometimes in front of the church, sometimes besides of it, sometimes not within the walls of the cemetary.They are all clear and readable.They do not mention a location of origin or something else.only the first entry however, has the term "Luide" before kerke(church); it seems out of context.
-Ysfer is a valid familyname
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Thanks so much Adrien!
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I liked your line, in another thread, "this group works in spurts". Nice,..first time to read it.
Well, the difficulty in the above link is that is is only a snapshot of... and not the link to the file itself.
The quality is very fuzzy,and i had to dump it to the printer,print it , overdraw what is readable with a sharp hard pencil, é voila,it can be read.
Secondary,a term like "geluid" in the document , does not translate as 'sound' as it should be,but has another meaning, --the tolling of the bells as in this sentence as an example=>
Wij hebben de klokke geluid. (We made the bells toll) and it made a lot of (geluid)(sound) .
So you see how fast a machine translator will grind to a stall.
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Thanks for translating the document for me.