Denver Colorado
I am struggling with this place. I do not know how it should be entered, and I can not seem to find something truly accurate or acceptable. Please help me.
Originally it was in Arapahoe county. In 1902 in became the consolidated City and County of Denver. The only option I see in the place names is Denver, Colorado and the note under it says county.
Should it be written as Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States
or should it be written as City and County of Denver, Colorado, United States
or should the tag under Denver Colorado say City and County rather than just County
Thanks for any help you can give so I can understand how to use this place name properly.
When a place is both a city and a county, we use one single representation for it. So, you can feel free to use Denver, Colorado in recording the place-name. In our database, the City and County of Denver, City of Denver, County of Denver, Denver City, Denver County, are some of its many variant-names. So if someone types any of those variant names into the SEARCH field, they will end up at the same entry in the database.