ALL. FYI. **** Relationships. Now possible to create a **** COUPLE Relationship in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" (as of the release / up-date of Sunday 8 / Monday 9 December 2019).
**** Relationships
It is now possible to create a "****" COUPLE Relationship in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" (as of the release / up-date of Sunday 8 / Monday 9 December 2019).
'Hot Off the Press' ...
"Knowledge Article" ... ( Undated )
**** relationships in FamilySearch: FAQ
"Media Release" ... ( Dated: [ Tuesday ] 10 December 2019 )
FamilySearch Adds Ability to Document All Family Relationships
News Releases
Official Statement and Q&A ... ( Tuesday, 10 December 2019 - Salt Lake City )
FamilySearch Now Provides Ability to Document **** Family Relationships
Church teachings on eternal marriage remain unchanged
ps: Related posts in the "FamilySearch" ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feeback' Forum raised since Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Is this warning necessary: "This change will create **** relationships."
When adding children to **** couples, Edit child relationship to parents
@All Temple & Family History Consultants
@New Ward Temple and FH Consultants
@New Stake Temple and FH Consultants
@General Questions
@FamilySearch Tips and Tricks
@Asia Pacific Temple & FH Consultants
@FamilySearch Family Tree
Thanks for posting this @Brett .
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Thank you! I just know it.
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I have been warned of creating a couple relationship of **** before. Mostly because I was tired. A great warning that I should stop for the day. Now that this would not be wake up call for me to stop for the day what is in place to stop an error from taking place. I hope an "are you sure" message at least.
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I wish there had been a similar warning when someone entered my grandmother's aunt as a male. Her dad gave her a male name. He gave several of his daughters male names. No one knows why. After sealing work was done for "him" it took quite a lot of correspondence back and forth with the Family History Department to correct the problem. I had to provide proof that "he" was a female, etc.
My grandmother's aunt was born before birth certificates were issued in the state. Fortunately, I had documented interviews from those who knew her. I hope people are no more offended by this new warning than they would be when a date or place is flagged as non-standard. When we realize that family research is all about accuracy it becomes evident there is no desire to offend those whose children were born out of wedlock or who may have had children of uncertain or unknown parentage, etc.
When I began recording family interviews a half century ago I would ask relatives, "You don't have to tell me anything you're uncomfortable with but ask yourself if you would want your great-great-grandchildren to know who you are?" Most of them would gladly share details about themselves that they knew would one day be shared publicly. Sometimes we must ask slightly offensive questions for the sake of insuring that a non-standard relationship is recorded correctly.
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@Bateman, Nolan - When you try to create a **** spouse or add one to the relationship you will get the following message:
"This will create **** relationships."
So, yes, you will be warned.
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It would be better if the Family Tree shows the **** couple relationship as a close-friend insted of husband and wife.
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@Anupong Anupong
Whether we personally like the situation of "****" Relationships or not; 'they are what they are'; and, they did and do occur.
We, cannot; and, should not, 'white-wash' history.
Such "****" Relationships did and do occur, most likely in many Users/Patrons Families (ie. Pedigrees).
Whether we liked it or not, the need for be the ability to add/include "****" Relationships in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" had to come/be added; especially, if we want to see the true picture/extent of one's Ancestry (ie. Pedigree); and, also engender participation by ALL in this SINGLE "One" World 'Tree" of "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
In various Countries around the World, "****" Relationships are "Legally" recognised, under various terminologies.
The important point to remembers is that, despite the addition/inclusion of "****" Relationships in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" ...
"Church teachings on eternal marriage remain unchanged"
1. Why is FamilySearch doing this?
The FamilySearch Family Tree is designed to encourage genealogical accuracy based on original source records. The Family Tree provides the ability for users to document all family relationships, including **** marriages and **** adoptions.
2. Is this a change in Church doctrine?
No. FamilySearch seeks to digitally preserve and provide access to genealogical and historical records, and this is part of its efforts to accurately document the human family. The Church solemnizes or seals marriages only between people of the opposite sex.
3. Can **** couples be sealed to each other?
No. Consistent with the Church’s doctrine, **** couples are not sealed to each other, even if they have been legally married. A deceased individual who has lived in a **** couple relationship or who has been a party to a **** marriage may receive all other available religious rites in a temple for which he or she is eligible.
4. Can children of **** couples be sealed to them?
No. In accordance with Church doctrine, children are not sealed to **** couples, even if the couples have been legally married.
As noted by:
News Releases
Official Statement and Q&A ... ( Tuesday, 10 December 2019 - Salt Lake City )
FamilySearch Now Provides Ability to Document **** Family Relationships
Church teachings on eternal marriage remain unchanged
I hope this helps.
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As a Support Missionary, and local support person as well, I am not interested in the debate or the decision. I just want to know HOW DO WE ENTER because that's the support question. None of the KAs that were attached in the original message addressed the issue as of Friday when I last checked them.
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@Linda Dungy Ray
I agree, there is NO need to enter into any debate on the decision to allow the addition/inclusion of "****" Couple Relationships in 'Family Tree" of "FamilySearch", it is history, it is fact, it is here to stay - you cannot 'white-wash' history, no matter how much we might like to.
I do not feel that there is a need for "FamilySearch" to specifically advise how to enter "****" Couple Relationships in 'Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Now, with the recent release/up-date of Sunday 8/Monday 9 December 2019, we have the ability to add/include "****" Couple Relationships in 'Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Prior to the aforementioned release, we DID NOT have such ability.
There is NO real/significant difference in how one adds/includes a "****" Couple Relationships in 'Family Tree" of "FamilySearch"; except, that one must "Change" the "Sex" (Gender) of one of the individuals/persons in the Couple Relationship.
For example:
For a "****" Couple "Male" Relationship:
Whether, you select the "Add Spouse" from, either, the "Show All" or the "Female" Portrait, ...
The procedure is the same ...
After "Adding" the "Name" details ...
Simply, "Change" the "Sex" (Gender) to "Male" ...
Where you will be presented with the "Warning" 'Message' of "This change will create **** relationships."
That "Warning" 'Message' is just that a warning message, nothing more, you just continue entering the known information/details and select "Next".
'Hey Presto', it is done - nothing complicated or technical.
And, the same.
For a "****" Couple "Female" Relationship:
Whether, you select the "Add Spouse" from, either, the "Show All" or the "Female" Portrait, ...
The procedure is the same ...
After "Adding" the "Name" details ...
Simply, "Change" the "Sex" (Gender) to "Female" ...
Where you will be presented with the "Warning" 'Message' of "This change will create **** relationships."
That "Warning" 'Message' is just that a warning message, nothing more, you just continue entering the known information/details and select "Next".
'Hey Presto', it is done - nothing complicated or technical.
We are not given/presented with the option to add a Husband/Wife/Partner with an "Unknown" SEX (Gender).
That is just my thoughts.
ps: Plus, if you want to "Change" the appearance of the "****" Couple Relationship (ie. Who appears above and who appear below), in other words "Switch", that can be done (But, ONLY, for "****" Couple Relationships).
Here is the relevant "Knowledge Article":
How do I switch parent or spouse positions to change the display of family lines in Family Tree?
I hope this helps.
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@Linda Dungy Ray - How do you do it? When you enter one of these couples you will either be adding a person already in the Tree or creating a new person to be the spouse. When you go to add them to the relationship the system will warn you with something like "This will create **** relationships."
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Thanks Brett, so essentially same as any other entry, just pick which name you want in which place.
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Thanks Robert.
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This is good, because FH can only work if it's accurate. This will help us accurately document things as they are actually happening. I do hope that children raised by **** couples will also include biological parents, the way we do now for adoptees (able to list their biological parents as well as the parents who raised them.) I think more information is better.