Translation help - mother's name
I am trying to figure out the name of a mother. Her name is circled in red in the records below. She appears in two records (or at least I think it is the same person based on father, place of birth, and dates on the two birth records I am comparing).
The older is from 1795. Here is an excerpt:
The original is here:
My first take on the first name was "Barbora." But the first letter is almost certainly an "L," as you can see from the name of the godmother, "Ludmila," and it is almost certainly not a "B," as you can see from "Bapt." in the far left column and the name of the baptizer under her name.
As for her surname (following "rozena," which indicates a maiden name), my guess is "Pudikova." I am probably overly influenced in that guess because I have other Pudíks connected in other ways to the family in the same time and place.
The same woman (I think) appears in another baptism record from 1792:
The original is here:
It appears to be written by the same person. Again, I would guess "Barbora" but for the "Ludmila" as the godmother. As for the surname, it appears very different from the other record, but my hypothesis is that they are the same because they are only a few years apart and the first name appears to be the same. But I could be wrong.
The father, Vojtěch or Wojtech, Jachek, is GQGP-YKZ, and had four children with another wife. She died in 1788, so I believe the records above are for a second wife with children in 1792 and 1795. The times, places, and godparents match up.
Any help would be appreciated. Děkuju moc.
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Ah you are right about the father's surname on that first record--Jachek is also listed. It's the midwife's surname that is the Chalupnikova after Anna Jachkova's name. It is strange that Chalupnik is listed before the father's surname and again after. Maybe the priest made the same mistake I did and then corrected himself.
The mother's surnames are definitely different. They could be different women, or she could be using an alias surname, so I would keep both possibilities in mind as you do more research.
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Thanks for taking another look at that and your additional explanation. It is a big help.
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This reply to you will show as a rejected answer - I mark it this way so that your post will still show as a question and not show as answered because my reply does not answer your question, it just offers you some ideas. This post will move your request to the top of the list and hopefully get an answer.
Thanks for being patient as we wait for a response to come from a volunteer with the needed skill set. It would be good if you included the identification number of this person in Family Search Family Tree so we can see the bigger picture.
We look forward to your comments and questions.
Enjoy today! Cindy Jarvis
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The mother's name is definitely Barbora in both records. The B in German script looks quite similar to an L but has a hook where it comes back up at the end. The word Baptism with a different B is written in Latin, which uses Roman script instead of German. However, the two baptism records aren't for siblings--their parents are different. The first child is Anna Chalupnikova and her parents are Wogtech (Vojtech) Chalupnik and Barbora Pudikowa (Pudikova). The second child is Wogtech (Vojtech) Jachek and his parents are Wogtech (Vojtech) Jachek and Barbora Sykorowa (Sykorova).
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McKenna: Thank you very much for looking at that. As for the name of the first child, I want to point out a few things to see if you would reconsider your conclusion that Anna's surmane is "Chalupnikova." I think the surname is "Jachek" aka "Gachek." First, chalupník is a very common occupation (cottager) but a very uncommon surname (kdejsme lists 604 Chalupníks or Chalupníkovás in the Czech Republic) (although, granted, Jachek/Jachková is an even more uncommon surname, with less than 80). Second, Vojtěch, the presumptive father of the two children, is consistently listed in other records as a chalupník (or its Latin equivalent). Third, it looks to me that in the first record it reads in the father column "Wojtech chalupnik Jachek" and then something that is illegible to me, but looking at the same work under Anna's name, I think it is a reference to the estate to which they owed their obligations, Pelhřimov. If that is correct, the occupation would be in between the name and surname. That would be out of the usual order in which the occupation follows the surname, but "Jachek" is not an occupation, so I think it makes sense. Fourth, Anna's surname appears to be "Jafkova" aka "Gafkova." That reading is supported by the appearance of that name in the index to baptisms at :
Finally, the fathers being different seems unlikely because the place of birth in the the same house (Útěchovice No. 4), which is the same place of residence for Vojtěch Jachek before and after the births in question, and the godparents are the same. So does all of that cause you to reconsider your reading of the Vojtěch's surname in the 1795 record? With your readings, it still makes me think that maybe Vojtěch had three, rather than two spouses as I originally thought. But that is what makes genealogy interesting.