Word for Word Latin Translation
I know about the Latin Genealogical Word List, but some of the words in this document don't show up there. Also, not sure what certain phrases mean within the context of a baptism record (i.e. post partum mater; I know that the words are after birth and mother... but what does it mean?) . If someone could translate the whole act, I would be SO grateful! There are certain errors in the individual's person page that I am trying to figure out, so every detail from this record could help me.
Act 79, second up from the bottom right page
The text is not the easiest to read.
The child, Guillielmus Franciscus, was baptised on the 26th of whatever month and year was previously mentioned. Before the father (Jacobus Verser or Verset) is the word spurius, which means illegitimate. I can't read all of the remaining text, but I'd guess it elaborates on this, perhaps stating how the father was known. The child's mother is Catharina Aubrij and sponsors/godparents are Guillielmus Franciscus Srarmer [?] and Barbara Martque [?]
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Thank goodness for the members of this group who can help with translation.