Translation for 1872 marriage between Philip or Felix Tumasz and Petronella Szepiel in Voistom
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Hi Henry,
Sorry this has taken so long, the handwriting on this is quite tricky. Here's what I have so far, there are a lot of unknowns and it might be helpful to see additional documents for the family in order to determine proper spelling of some of the names and places. I haven't given a word for word translation, but rather pulled out the important details.
Third column: Marriage date and place 1872 Feb 13 Voistom (column also gives the name of the person that married them and the dates of the marriage banns)
Second column: Groom Peasant Filip Tumasz 22, from the village of Swinka (today is Malinavaya -
see this article for more information.
Bride: Petronella Szepiel, 22, maiden from the village of Semenklov (not entirely sure about the spelling on this one,
have been looking at this historic map for areas by Voystom, but haven't had any ideas on what the town might be.)
Parents: Of the Groom: Peasant Jan Tumasz and Marta Gonczowna (not entirely sure about the spelling of this one)
Of the Bride: Adam Szepiel and Agateya (Agatha) (no idea on her surname, I've picked out a few possible letters, W?l??c?k?a).
I hope this helps, I'm sorry this is not a more complete translation.
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If you use Facebook, you might try this group for a translation: It's a Russian language group, but I've found it to be very helpful.
@henry tumasz we are so glad you have asked for translation help - sometimes this requires patience as we wait for the right person to come along with the skill set needed to do the translation. Enjoy today! Cindy Jarvis