Our stake clerk is trying to remove some former admin. names from the list of indexer admin on the f
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@debennion debennion I would have him contact FamilySearch support 1-866-406-1830 in the United States, or go to: https://www.familysearch.org/help/ to find a good way to contact them. I am also going to move your conversation to the All Temple and Family History Consultants group where they will be able to help you better.
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Thank you!
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@debennion debennion
just some advice ...
As far as I am aware ...
[ And, I have sat down with 'Clerks', both, Stake/District; or, Ward/Branch ... ]
The 'Clerks' (either, Stake/District; or, Ward/Branch) ONLY have the ability to ADD a 'Calling' to a Member of the Church, they DO NOT have access to, ADD; and/or, REMOVE, the "Admins" of a, Stake/District; or, Ward/Branch "Indexing" 'Group'.
Such ability to, ADD; &/or, REMOVE, the "Admins" of a, Stake/District; or, Ward/Branch "Indexing" 'Group', DOES reside with the EXISTING "Admins" of that "Indexing" 'Group'; OR, the NEXT, being the "Higher" Level, "Admins" of the "Parent" 'Group', to which a lesser 'Group' is subordinate.
Failing the aforementioned ...
The "Global Support Centre" would be the best course of action.
Sometimes, in fact, most times, "Support" of 'FamilySearch', CANNOT action such; and, they will transfer you through to the "Global Support Centre".
Been there, done that ...
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Someone who has admin rights to the group needs to do it. There are two ways to get admin rights to a Stake Group, first is to be a Stake Temple and FH Consultant, the second is for an existing admin to give admin rights.
As an example, I was just called as a Stake Consultant, and I automatically received Admin rights when I received the calling. Then I gave Admin rights to the High Councilor over Temple and FH and to each of the members of the Stake Presidency. My calling then allows me to remove Admin rights from those who were given Admin rights but not from those who are Consultants.
Wow...I figured it was above my pay grade...I will pass this on. I do have admin ability but not to remove...thank you for your time answering me💗 .
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Thank you for your time to give me some answers.!