How do we establish an indexing group for our stake, specifically, the Logan Utah YSA 6th Stake? Th
@David C. Fowles Here are some articles to get you started, but please know that some of the logistics will be different when it comes to church groups. I moved your question to this group where there are great people in here that can help you more specifically. Thank you for coming in and asking great questions.
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@David C. Fowles
"Logan Utah 6th Stake" should have a STAKE "Indexing" 'Group' ...
That (STAKE) 'Group' will have subordinate "Indexing' 'Groups' being the Wards/Branches/Units "Indexing" 'Groups' for that Stake.
The "Admins" for that (STAKE) 'Group' should be able to, either,
(1) "Create" a subordinate YSA "Indexing" 'Group' within the Stake; OR,
Failing that ...
(2) Submit a "Request" to "Create" such a 'Group' a subordinate 'Group'
Through "Channels" ...
Re: Channels ...
Try the "Global Support Centre", rather that "Support" of 'FamilySearch' ...
I find "Support" of 'FamilySearch' usually has to transfer you through to the "Global Support Centre", for such ...
I hope this helps,
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I also thought that there should be a stake group, but I can't find it. I'm looking for the Logan YSA 6th Stake. (I'm in the 44th YSA Ward bishopric and have been asked by the stake to help get temple and family history work going on the stake.)
When I search to find groups and use "Logan YSA" I get 61 results with most of them being wards. There are a couple of specialty subgroups - FHE groups, a Logan YSA 1st Stake Leadership group, etc., but no stake groups. In my home ward, I'm not only a member of the ward group but also a member of our stake group. I'm not sure why I'm not seeing the Logan YSA 6th Stake, or any Logan YSA stake groups, for that matter.
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@David C. Fowles
I have, BOTH, Ward; and, Stake, responsibilities ...
When I go to ...
Web Indexing
On 'Groups' down on the 'Bottom' of that page/screen ...
I 'see', BOTH, my Ward; and, my Stake 'Groups'
[ plus, other Ward/Branch 'Groups' of which I am a member &/or "Admin". ]
IF, I select my Ward 'Group'; THEN, on the 'left-hand-side' of the page/screen, at the 'Bottom', there is "Related Groups" where I see the "Parent" STAKE 'Group'.
Once, I select that the "Parent" STAKE 'Group', I get my STAKE 'Group' ...
On "Related Groups", for my STAKE 'Group', the "Related" PARENT 'Group to that is the AREA 'Group' [ in my case being the "Pacific Area" ].
IF, I select the AREA 'Group'; THEN, there are "Admins" (who, in fact, I know).
[ The next "Highest" PARENT 'Group' is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"; but, there is NO 'Group there ... that I see ... ]
IF, you go up as "High" as your AREA 'Group'; THEN, the "Admins" for that AREA 'Group', should be able to do what you require; or, in the least, get the "Process" of "Creating a NEW 'Group' initiated.
There can always be problems/issues with regard to 'Groups' in/across a "Multi-Stake" set-up ...
Good Luck.