Please standardize: Ryegate, Musselshell, Montana, United States
Ryegate is a town and county seat of Golden Valley County, Montana.
See:,_Montana [Wikipedia] and
Ryegate, Golden Valley, Montana (1920 - ) is a standardized place:
Two more time-periods have been added reflecting county boundary changes:
Ryegate, Musselshell, Montana (1911-1920)
Ryegate, Yellowstone, Montana (1910-1911)
I hope this is helpful. Thanks to Gordon Collett for his helpful suggestions.
Tim Carroll
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Currently Ryegate has a single historical time period, 1910 to today. When it was established in 1910, Golden Valley county did not exist. Neither did Musselshell.
I don't know how accurate FamilySearch wants the website to be, but to be strictly historically correct, Ryegate would need these additions:
Rygate, Meagher, Montana (This one I'm not sure about. On the maps I can find, Rygate is right where Meager, Fergus, and Yellowstone counties meet in 1910. Someone would need to check a better map or better history.)
Rygate, Musselshell, Montana
Rygate, Golden Valley, Montana
If the Places people decide that listing Ryegate in three counties over ten years is too small of an interval to be significant, you can still standardize the place name correctly for events prior to 1920.
First, type in the current place name like this:
Then replace Golden Valley with Musselshell and when you are finished typing, do not click anywhere in the dropdown menu. Instead, click anywhere else on the page outside the menu and outside the text entry box. This will give you this:
So that you have your place name historically correct and still standardized right on the town. You would probably want to put a note in the Reason Statement regarding the history of boundary changes so that someone does not come along and in the name of misunderstanding "standardization" change this to Golden Valley in the misguided goal of having all place names with a map pin.