Who leads ward "Indexing Workers"?
Ward T&FHCs generally report to the ward T&FHC Leader (or an EQP member if there is no ward T&FHC Leader). In the LCR there is a calling called "Indexing worker" and our ward has some with that calling. Who do ward "Indexing Workers" report to (and what can I use as a source for your answers)??
Whoever that leader is, what does he/she do to direct, encourage, train etc. those called as "Indexing workers".
Finally, we try to encourage our T&FHCs to individually invite, then prepare and then deliver personalized family history experiences to our ward members (getting away from big group Family History classes or just helping patrons at our FH Center etc.). Is this also the correct pattern for ward indexers (should they be doing one-on-one ministering type visits to ward members to teach indexing or should /can they focus on bigger groups like an entire RS or EQ lesson etc.)?
Several aspects to consider as sources: In recent RootsTech Leadership sessions, we have been encouraged to develop and implement a Ward Temple & Family History Plan, and to include in that plan the activities of Indexing. Secondly, when the calling of Indexing appears in the organization of callings in LCR, it's listed along with Temple & Family History Consultants; in our ward, the calling is listed as Temple & Family History Consultant--Index Worker. Lastly, when you pull up the organizations for your stake or unit and select Temple & Family History, it includes Temple & Family History Consultant--Index Worker. Based on these aspects, I would say the ward Indexing Worker reports to the Ward Temple & Family History Leader; I would include their efforts in your coordinating efforts within your ward council; prayerful consideration of members' individual needs will enable success and will identify the ward's approach. This will create a unified approach for all aspects of work within the ward that are related to finding documentation pertaining to deceased ancestors and preparing individuals to perform the research required to perform those ordinances of salvation for them. One last thought: Those Church Service Missionaries--both full-time (who perform scanning of original documents for indexing work), and part-time who labor in Indexing to answer questions of members--are working in the general area of "Family History". It is a united, organized effort.
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@robertleelathen1 robertleelathen1
As far as I am aware, despite what is in LCR (which I am well aware of), at this CURRENT juncture in time, there is "Technically" NO LONGER a 'Calling" of "Indexing Worker".
As far as I am aware, that is an OLD "Redundant" 'Calling', that by now, SHOULD have been REMOVED - but, I know has NOT.
"Indexers" of a Ward/Branch are NOT 'Called', it is NOT a 'Calling', neither an 'Assignment' - EVERYONE in a Ward/Branch CAN "Index".
In fact, OFFICIALLY, neither, is the "Administrator" of a Ward/Branch "Indexing" Group, a 'Calling'.
In a Ward/Branch:
▬ the "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Leader" CAN be "Assigned" to OVERSEE the Ward/Branch "Indexing" Group;
but, such is NOT necessary,
▬ in fact, ANY "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Consultant" CAN be "Assigned" to OVERSEE the Ward/Branch "Indexing" Group;
It ALL depends on the decision of the Ward/Branch (ie. in "Council", under the Direction of the Bishopric/Branch Presidency).
I would suggest that, best practice, is to have one (or, more) of the "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Consultants" as the "Administrator(s)" of a Ward/Branch "Indexing" Group. You can have as MANY "Administrators" as you need. But, it would be best to have such "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Consultants" who is well EXPERIENCED with "Indexing" (and, in fact, an EXPERIENCED "Reviewer") in that Role.
Really, BOTH, "Temple and Family History" Work; and, "Indexing" Work, still fall under the purview of the "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Leader" - but, that Leader can (and, should) ALWAYS "Delegate" in such matters.
Regardless, the "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Leader" is still subject to the Decision of the Ward/Branch "Council", under the Direction of the Bishopric/Branch Presidency.
Again, "Indexers" of a Ward/Branch are NOT 'Called', it is NOT a 'Calling', neither an 'Assignment', they JUST "Index".
It is the Role of the "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Leader"; and, the "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Consultants", to, Teach; Train; and, Encourage.
Just my thoughts.
IF, those (Old, style 'Calling') "Indexing Workers", in your Ward, are "Very" EXPERIENCED "Indexers" (and, Especially, EXPERIENCED "Reviewers"); THEN, 'Call' them as "Ward, Temple and Family History, Consultants"; and, "Assign" them as the "Administrators" of your Ward "Indexing" Group, thus, their 'Line of Priesthood Authority' is then the "Ward, Temple and Family History, Leader" - 'all neat and tidy', so to speak.
Food for thought.
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Thanks Wilberg! What I find confusing is if you go to FamilySearch's Help Center and type in the following question: How do I specify callings in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR)? The answer which was published just a few days ago says in part:
Steps (ChurchofJesusChrist.org)
Ward and branch clerks can specify callings for those who serve at the branch or ward level. Stake or district clerks specify callings for those who serve at the district or stake level.
- Go to ChurchofJesusChrist.org , and sign in.
- Click My account and ward, and then Leader and Clerk Resources. (If you see a beta testing notice, click Agree and Continue.)
- To add the calling by organization, follow these steps:
- Click Organizations.
- Click Temple and Family History.
- Click the correct calling.
- Ward temple and family history leader (a Melchizedek priesthood holder; this option is available only at the ward level)
- Ward or stake temple and family history consultant
- Stake temple and family history consultant—family history center
- Indexing worker
- Ward or stake temple and family history consultant
You can see from this, that an "Indexing worker" appears to be a separate calling from a Ward T&FHC (which was a surprise to me, I thought an indexer would just be called as a T&FHC with an assignment to be an indexer - I also like the way your ward puts it in LCR). It was this separate calling as an "Indexing worker" from a ward T&FHC calling that confuses me as to who they report to! I agree that having Indexer Workers report to the ward T&FHC Leader makes sense.
When I go into our ward's Organization under T&FH our indexer's names do currently show-up but when I go into FamilySearch's "Contact Us" (after clicking the ? or Helper function) only those called as T&FHCs show up (those called as Indexers do not show up)???
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There is an Indexing Worker calling. This person is not called as a Consultant. Their calling is to only index records.
See this thread: https://community.familysearch.org/s/question/0D54V000058kul7SAA/indexing-specialist
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Thanks Amy. Who, if anybody, do your Indexing workers report to?
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I don't know if they need to report to anyone. In wards where the bishop calls them to do indexing as a service for financial help they may be getting from the ward, they may report to the bishop or the EQ or RS president depending how welfare is handled in the ward. Some may be called because that is the only calling they are able to do at the moment. I don't know why they would need to report to anyone. There is ample Indexing training available on the FamilySearch site and they can contact FamilySearch support if they have trouble working on a batch. The calling is similar to if the bishop called in someone and called them to do their own family history. They don't report to anyone as they are doing their own thing.
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The bishop may ask the ward temple and family history leader to check in on those who are called as indexing workers as well. I think it really depends on the bishop and the purpose for why he decides to call someone to be an indexing worker. As all members can do indexing anytime they want without a calling.
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Thanks Brett! I especially like your last big paragraph! That is what was just done at our stake level. The stake called a sister as a "Stake T&FHC" and "assigned" her to be over Indexing (they did not use words like "Indexing Administrator" but that is what she is ). I am a Stake T&FHC "assigned' to training family history (not indexing) to others and like this good sister report to our HC over T&FH work in the stake.
My concern, is that some who were formally called as "index worker's" are not feeling like they are part of the full T&FH team. If they knew they reported to the ward T&FH Leader and if that leader (or as you said his delegated administrator) included them in his correspondences and coordination's, then those with these out of date formal index worker callings would hopefully feel more part of the team and perhaps would be more motivated to teach others how to index.
I wonder if it would be good to release those called and identified in LCR as "Index workers" and then recall those that are savvy at indexing back as T&FHCs with "assignments" to either administer over indexing in the ward or to focus on doing/teaching indexing to others??
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I appreciate Brett's clarification regarding the calling of someone as an "Indexing Worker". I also like the approach of taking those individuals who were previously called as "Indexing Workers" and calling them as T&FH Consultants, then assigning them the Indexing Administrator role, thus using their experience and enabling them to assist others in that aspect of "Family History".
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Though I understand the thought of converting all indexing workers into temple and family history consultants, the decision to have a separate calling was a deliberate consideration. I agree that if the person has the skills and desire to serve as a consultant (and the responsibilities that come with that calling) then yes, they should be called as consultants, not indexing workers. But, the indexing worker calling is specifically dedicated to those who the Bishop feels impressed that indexing is a way that the person can serve, contribute, and grow. An example is a new convert, a home bound sister, a youth, etc. Though all temple and family history consultants are responsible to know how to index and to help others. Not all indexers are required to serve, or be trained, as consultants. Indexing Worker is a specialty calling and needs to remain a separate calling. I hope that helps.
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@robertleelathen1 robertleelathen1
'YES'; 'Yes'; 'yes' ...
RELEASE those with the OLD "Redundant" 'Calling' of "Indexing Worker".
And, IMMEDIATELY, at the SAME time, 'Call' the aforementioned to the 'Official' and CURRRENT, position of "Ward, Temple and Family History, Consultants", with an "Assignment" in "Indexing"; as, the "Administrators" of your Ward "Indexing" Group.
And; as, you intimated, you have 'the BEST of BOTH Worlds':
▬ Those Members feeling INCLUDED in "Temple & Family History" Work
▬ The EXPERTISE of those Members put to GREAT effect