Can not find family that moved out of Skövde
This link is moving record for Hjälstad. Pg 9 shows Carl Österström born 18 Sep 1805 and wife moving in from Skövde. Pg 13 shows Sofia Larsson 11 Apr1828 and two other pigas moving in from Skövde. Pgs 17 and 19 these persons all move out to Visnum. I found them in exam records living in same house. I can't however find them- specifically Carl or Sofia moving out of Skövde to Hjälstad/Mo. Thank you to all the Nordic community helpers. Deniese
Carl Österström born 18 Sep 1805 and wife moved in from Hova (Hofva), not from Skövde.
Hova moving out: (numbers 46 and 47)
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In case of Sofia Larsson, in household record, does it say from where she moved in? Because in moving record, there is no place mentioned, only empty spot.
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I am praying that you just solved problem. I have found connection between Carl and Sofia so following Carl to see if it helps me find Sofia. You have helped me with her before and you gave me Skövde as moving place but maybe we both erred and it is Hova. I will follow this and see. Will let you know how it goes.
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For Sofia, moving backwards, she is in Visnum in 43, Moholm, Mo in 42 with Carl and others. I also find Carl and wife in Crontorp in 43. Next they all move out of Mo/Hjälstad in 42 and I thought to Skövde but I do not find Sofia on moving record. Also do not see her in Hova record so again stuck. Ultimately I am trying to find Sofia with parents. All records say she was born in Strängnäs. I have searched stads and lands but have not found. Thank you for your help and patience. Deniese