Looking for John Bieniewicz in Michigan in 1940's - 1960's
Looking for the 1940 census of John Bieniewicz, born Dec 1890/91 in Poland. He and siblings originally settled in Wilkes-Barre, Pa area but some time after 1929 (I believe) John left PA and moved to Michigan. I have his 1936 SSA application saying he lived in Detroit. He immigrated to US/PA in 1906. I believe the SS Death index entry in 1966 is his, so he died in Michigan in 1966. Would like to find out where he went and why if possible. Death record/cert and burial location. His sister sent another brother to look for John (1950;s maybe??) but no one could find him.
Joe Z.
According to the U.S., World War II Draft Registration Card, he lived at 448 Henry St. in Detroit. He was a janitor at the Willard Hotel. The contact person who would always know his address was Mrs. Stella Lajkowski of Wilkes-Barre. The U.S., World War I Draft Registration Card shows his birthplace as Chojono (sp?), Ploczok, Poland. He was a coal miner and single then. He was a naturalized citizen. On his Pennsylvania, Federal Naturalization Records he states that he is from Chogna, Russia. One problem is that there is more than one John Bieniewicz in Ancestry.com. Your John doesn't seem to be on the 1940 census.
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Thanks Ben, but I know and have all this documentation already. I am really looking for his whereabouts and life in Michigan from about 1930's on. If he is not in the 1940 census, then where is he? Anyone have any ideas? I am perplexed as to why someone doesn't show up in a US census in some form. This also happened to my mom in the 1930 census when she was 6 yrs old in St. Louis. She is nowhere to be found there either. How does a 6 yr old get lost in a census?? She HAS to be some place, doesn't she? Two family mysteries I would love to solve out of many.
Joe Z
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I thought that you might. You know from the U.S., World War II Draft Registration Card where he was in 1942. Not every single person gets picked up on the censuses, unfortunately.
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You might also consider checking city directories for Detroit. That might give you some extra information.
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Sometimes the spelling and or indexing are so different they can't be found. My husband's parents could not be found, the spelling was not one he would have tried. By using the hints for searching found in the Wiki you may be able to find him in 1940. I finally found them for him by using the search engine in Ancestry.
Good luck.